Now showing items 1342-1361 of 3644

    • Kitui County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027 

      County Government of Kitui (County Government of Kitui, 2023)
      Article 220 of the Constitution of Kenya, Section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 and Section 108 of the County Governments Act, 2012 require county governments to prepare 5-year County Integrated Development ...
    • Kitui County Nutrition Action Plan 2019-2023 

      County Government of Kitui (County Government of Kitui, 2019)
      Kitui County Nutrition Action Plan (KNAP) 2019–2023 is an evidence-based five-year strategic action plan that seeks to address malnutrition in the county in all its forms. It is a Costed Action Plan for the implementation ...
    • Kitui County Programme Based Budget 2021/2022 

      County Government of Kitui (County Government of Kitui, 2021)
      This document is thus prepared in line with section 131 (6) of the PFMA 2012 that requires the County Executive Committee member for Finance to take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the approved budget ...
    • Kitui County Programme Based Budget 2022/2023 

      County Government of Kitui (County Government of Kitui, 2022)
      The Kitui County Programme Based Budget 2022/2023 is a comprehensive financial plan that has been developed in line with the County Fiscal Strategy Paper. The budget prioritizes the promotion of inclusive economic growth ...
    • Kitui County Records Management Policy 2018 

      County Government of Kitui (County Government of Kitui, 2018)
      This policy is an acknowledgement that the County Government of Kitui needs a safe and secure records management programme which conforms to international standards. The application of this Records Management Policy targets ...
    • Kitui County Sorghum Policy 2013 

      County Government of Kitui (County Government of Kitui, 2013)
      The policy outlines the importance and suitability of sorghum in the county. It highlights the challenges faced by agriculture in general and/or by the sorghum industry. It offers policy interventions which includes; ...
    • Kitui District Development Plan 1984-1988 

      Ministry of Finance and Planning (Government printers, 1984)
      This District Development Plan was prepared by the District Department Heads of. Ministries under the coordination of the District Development Officer and the Executive Committee of the District Development Committee. The ...
    • Kitui District Development Plan 2002- 2008 

      Ministry of Finance and Planning (Government printers, 2002)
      The 7th District Development Plan (DDP) for the period 2002-2008 was prepared by the District Departmental Heads of various Ministries under the coordination of the District Commissioner (DC) assisted by the District ...
    • Kitui District Development Plan 2008-2012 

      Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 (Government Printers, 2008)
      The Kitui District Development Plan is a comprehensive strategic framework that outlines the vision, goals, and strategies for the sustainable development of Kitui District in Kenya. This plan aims to address the unique ...
    • Kitui Vision 2025 Vision for Economic and Social Transformation 

      County Government of Kitui (County Government of Kitui, 2020)
      The County Government of Kitui has developed this Vision 2025 plan to guide implementation of various programmes and projects over the next ten to achieve the desired transformation in the economic and social sectors across ...
    • Knowledge Management Policy for Kenya 2022 

      The National Treasury and Planning (The National Treasury and Planning, 2022)
      The Knowledge Management Policy for Kenya provides for a multi-pronged approach towards _achieving a knowledge-based economy as highlighted in the Kenya Vision 2030. The Policy aims at building platforms for knowledge ...
    • Koibatek District Development Plan 2002- 2008 

      Ministry of Finance and Planning (Government printers, 2002)
      Koibatek District Development Plan (DDP) for the period 2002-2008 was prepared by the District. Departmental Heads of various Ministries under the coordination of the District Commissioner (DC) assisted by the District ...
    • Koibatek District Development Plan 2008-2012 

      Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 (Government Printers, 2008)
      The Koibatek District Development Plan is a comprehensive strategic framework that outlines the vision, goals, and strategies for the sustainable development of Koibatek District in Baringo County, Kenya. This plan aims ...
    • Kuria District Development Plan 1997-2001 

      Ministry of Planning and National Development. (Government Printers, 1997)
      The District Development Plan, focused on "Rapid Industrialization for Sustainable Development," was prepared by District Departmental Heads from various ministries under the coordination of the District Commissioner, with ...
    • Kuria District Development Plan 2002-2008 

      Ministry of Planning and National Development (Government printers, 2002)
      The Kuria District Development Plan (DDP) for the period 2002-2008 was prepared by the District Departmental Heads of various Ministries under the coordination of the District Commissioner (DC) assisted by the District ...
    • Kuria West District Development Plan 2008-2012 

      Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 (Government printers, 2009)
      The 8th District Development Plan (DDP) for the period 2008-2012 was prepared by the District Planning and Monitoring Unit in close collaboration with members of the various Sector Working Groups (SWGs). Considerable effort ...
    • Kwale County Annual Development Plan 2016/2017 

      County Government of Kwale (County Government of Kwale, 2016)
      This is the second Annual Development Plan (ADP) to be prepared by the Kwale County Government since the promulgation of the constitution of Kenya 2010. It is prepared in consistent with the requirements of Section 126 of ...
    • Kwale County Annual Development Plan 2017/2018 

      County Government of Kwale (County Government of Kwale, 2017)
      This FY 2017/2018 Kwale County Annual Development Plan is prepared in accordance with the provisions of Article 220 of the Constitution, 2010 and the requirements of section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act,2012.This ...
    • Kwale County Annual Development Plan 2018/2019 

      County Government of Kwale (County Government of Kwale, 2017)
      This is the first Annual Development Plan to be prepared in the medium term 2018-2023 covering the second generation County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP)2018-2023. This financial year (FY) 2018/2019 Annual Development ...
    • Kwale County Annual Development Plan 2019/2020 

      County Government of Kwale (County Government of Kwale, 2019)
      The County Annual Development Plan 2019/2020 will form the basis for the County Budget FY 2019/2020.The County Government in the financial year 2019/2020 anticipates revenues amounting to Ksh 9,553,169,247.00 from all ...