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Now showing items 1-20 of 3931
1st Annual Report 2014 on Measures Taken and Progress Achieved in the Realisation of National Values and Principles of Governance
(The Executive Office of the President, 2014)This is the first annual reporting on the realisation of national values and principles of governance in Kenya. The objective of this annual reporting, that is enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 is to identify ... -
2nd Annual Report 2015 on Measures Taken and Progress Achieved in The Realisation of National Values and Principles of Governance
(The Executive Office of the President, 2015)The 2014 Annual President’s Report on Measures Taken and Progress Achieved in the Realisation of National Values and Principles of Governance broadly underscores values as deep-seated beliefs that should guide the day to ... -
3rd Annual Report 2015 on Measures Taken and Progress Achieved in the Realisation of National Values and Principles of Governance
(The Executive Office of the President, 2016)This Report is pursuant to Article 132(1)(c)(i) that requires the President to report annually on all the measures taken and the progress achieved in the realization of the National Values and Principles of Governance, ... -
4th Annual Report 2016 on Measures Taken and Progress Achieved in the Realization of National Values and Principles of Governance
(The Executive Office of the President, 2017)The Constitution in Article 4(2) provides that the Republic of Kenya shall be a multi-party democratic state founded on the National Values and Principles of Governance. My Government continues to strengthen democracy and ... -
4th KIPPRA Annual Regional Conference [Video]
(6/29/2021)The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) is organizing its annual regional conference with focus on the Big Four Agenda -
5th Annual Report 2017 on Measures Taken and Progress Achieved in the Realization of National Values and Principles of Governance
(The Executive Office of the President, 2017)The 2017 Annual President’s Report is the 5th on the measures taken and progress achieved in the realisation of National Values and Principles of Governance in conformity with the Constitution. This is pursuant to the ... -
6th Annual Report 2018 on The Measures Taken and Progress Achieved in The Realisation of National Values and Principles of Governance
(The Executive Office of the President, 2018)The 2018 Annual President’s Report is the 6th on the Measures Taken and Progress Achieved in the Realisation of National Values and Principles of Governance in conformity with the Constitution. This is pursuant to the ... -
7th Annual Report 2019 on Measures Taken and Progress Achieved in The Realization of National Values and Principles of Governance
(The Executive Office of the President, 2019)The 2019 Annual President’s Report is the 7th on the Measures Taken and Progress Achieved in the Realisation of National Values and Principles of Governance in conformity with the Constitution. This is pursuant to the ... -
8th Annual Report 2020 on Measures Taken and Progress Achieved in The Realization of National Values and Principles of Governance
(The Executive Office of the President, 2021)The 2020 Annual President’s Report is the 8th on the measures taken and progress achieved in the realisation of national values and principles of governance in conformity with the Constitution. This is pursuant to the ... -
9th Annual Report, 2021 on Mearsures Taken and Progress Achieved in The Realization of National Values and Principles of Governance
(The Executive Office of the President, 2021)The 2021 Annual President’s Report is the 9th on the measures taken and progress achieved in the realization and promotion of national values and principles of governance in Kenya. The report is divided into five chapters ... -
Adolescent Reproductive Health and Development Policy 2003
(National Council for Population and Development, 2003)The Adolescent Reproductive Health and Development Policy of 2003 aims to address the specific needs and challenges faced by adolescents in relation to their reproductive health and overall development. The policy provides ... -
Africa's Development Metamorphosis: Lessons from China
(Scholars Citech Research Organization, 2016)China is a fast-growing world economy that has overtaken the United States of America. Africa has for a long time relied on donor funding and grants from Bretton woods institutions and Western countries to fund its development ... -
Agricultural market access and dietary diversity in Kenya: Gender considerations towards improved household nutritional outcomes
(, 2019)Achieving food and nutritional security by all people at all times is a key development goal at the global, regional and national levels. To achieve access to sufficient safe food of acceptable quality at all times, gender ... -
Analysis of Public Expenditure in Support of Food and Agriculture in Kenya, 2006-2012
(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2014)Kenya has not met the 10 percent target of the total government spending as agreed upon at the African Union meeting in Maputo in 2003. The level of expenditures falls below the target 10% of total government spending. ... -
An Analysis of the National Progress and Household Characteristics Associated with Stunting
(National Information Platform for Food Security and Nutrition, 2021)The National Information Platform for Food and Nutrition (NIPFN) aims at informing food and nutrition security policies and programmes through evidence. One of the objectives of NIPFN is to strengthen capacity to track ... -
An Analysis on Nutritional Anthropometric Trends in Kenya
(National Information Platform for Food Security and Nutrition, 2021)This report provides an analysis of the existing data and information for the anthropometric indicators for children aged below five years for the period between 1993 and 2015. The published information on the anthropometric ... -
Analysis on Nutritional Anthropometric Trends in Kenya
(National Information Platform for Food Security and Nutrition, 2021-12)The Analysis on Nutritional Anthropometric Trends in Kenya publication by the National Irrigation Programme Focus for Nutrition (NIFPN) examines the trends in nutritional anthropometry, including stunting, wasting, and ... -
Annual Investment Plans 2023-2024 for Homabay and Oyugis Municipalities
(County Government of Homabay, 2023)the investment plan for Homabay Municipality represents a vision for transforming the municipality into a thriving urban center harnessing its unique geographical positions on the shores of lake victoria and within the ... -
Anti Corruption Policy 2011
(Ministry of State for Planning,National Development & Vision 2030, 2011-05)The Anti-Corruption Policy of 2011 serves as a vital framework in combating corruption and promoting transparency, integrity, and accountability in both public and private sectors. The policy outlines measures and strategies ... -
Appraisal of Kenya’s excisable goods management system using interrupted time series analysis: A case of cigarettes and cigars excise tax revenue
(Elsevier, Science Direct, 2023)The government of Kenya introduced the Excisable Goods Management System (EGMS) in November 2013, which is a form of Track and Trace Systems (TTSs) for excisable goods, including cigarettes and cigars. This study appraised ...