East African Community Policy on Persons With Disabilities 2012
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Policy Paperviews
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East African Community
Abstract/ Overview
The policy will promote a framework for; Enhancing the recognition of the roles, contributions and potentials of PWDs in the development process, Strengthening/developing the informal and formal community based support systems and actions for PWDs, Recognizing that disability is not inability and providing special safety nets for PWDs, Ensuring and improving access to rehabilitation, education, training and community sports, Guiding, coordinating and harmonizing interventions for PWD’s by stakeholders, Promoting and protecting disability rights as human rights, Promoting research on issues of PWD’s and Promoting the self-representation of people with disabilities in all public decision - making structures. This policy is consistent with the following international Instruments for promotion of human rights and these are; United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948), International Convention on economic, social and cultural Rights (1966), United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights (1966), Convention on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979), The UN Standard Rules on Equalization of Opportunities for PWD (1993), The Convention on the Rights of PWD’s (2006), The African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (1981), Continental Plan of Action for PWD in Africa (2002), Windhoek Declaration (2008) and the Common Market Protocol (2009)
Subject/ Keywords
Socio- Economic Analysis; Non-discrimination; Gender responsiveness; Disability Mainstreaming; Good Governance; Accountability; Human rights; Kenya
Ministry of East African CommunitySeries
Policy Paper;2012Collections
- Policy Papers [116]