dc.description.abstract | Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya and one of the most important economic centres in East
and Central Africa. It accounts for 50% of formal employment in Kenya and generates over
50% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Nairobi plays an important role not
only as a political centre but also as a model for economic and social development.
The following are some pertinent facts about Nairobi and why a new urban development
plan is required: Population of Nairobi has grown to over 3.1 million. Urban problems have been left unsolved and are causing negative impacts like perennial
traffic congestion, expansion of slum areas, insecurity, poor urban governance, and
environment deterioration. In order to accelerate sound and sustainable development, an integrated urban master plan has to be prepared to improve infrastructure such as transport network, water supply, sewerage reticulation energy, etc.
In response to the request of the Government of Kenya, the Government of Japan dispatched
a Study Team (hereinafter referred to as JST) for the Integrated Urban Development Master
Plan for the City of Nairobi (hereinafter referred by the acronym NIUPLAN or the Project),
and signed the Record of Discussion (RD) with the then Ministry of Local Government and
City Council of Nairobi for the implementation of the Project.
The objective of the Project is to review and develop concepts on sustainable urban development and improvement of living conditions based on an integrated urban development plan for Nairobi City.The scope of work of the JST include | en_US |