Sectoral Plans
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Sector Plan for Devolution 2018
(Ministry of Devolution and ASALS, 2018)The Devolution Sector is a crucial component of Kenya's economic growth and the implementation of the government's transformation agenda. Effective implementation of the Constitution and critical devolution laws, as well ... -
Sector Plan for Sports, Arts and Culture 2018
(Ministry of Sports, Culture and The Arts, 2018)The Sports, Culture, and Arts Sector in Kenya is a critical component of national development, encompassing sports, culture, arts, film, and music. The sector offers significant potential for job creation and youth empowerment ... -
Sector Plan for Education and Training 2018
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2018)The Sector Plan presents consolidated strategies and programmes that will be implemented between 2018 and 2022. These are expected to leverage on the investments made in ICT especially the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP) ... -
National Education Sector Plan Volume Two: Operational Plan 2013-2018
(Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 2015)This Plan, referred to as NESP Volume Two, sets out the implementation strategies and activities to support the key goals, objectives and priorities of NESP 2013-2018. The reader is strongly urged to read NESP Volume one ... -
Sector Plan for Security Peace Building and Conflict Management 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)Promotion of sustainable peace and security is enshrined in both the constitution and Vision 2030 as a basis for the achievement of the targeted growth of double digits in the economy as well as being a middle-income ... -
Sector Plan For Health 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)The goal of the health sector is to provide equitable, affordable and quality healthcare of the highest standard to all citizens. The Health Sector will focus on strengthening and scaling up of cost-effective, preventive ... -
Sector Plan for Land Reforms 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)Land as a factor of production is the most important natural resource that Kenya is endowed with. It is critical to economic, social, political and cultural development. It is also considered as the principal source of ... -
Sector Plan for Agriculture Second Medium Term Plan 2013
(Government of Kenya, 2013)In keeping with the decision that Kenya Vision 2030 be implemented through five year Medium Terms the Government successfully launched the Second Medium Term Plan (MTP 2013-2017) in October 2013. The Ministry of Devolution ... -
Sector Plan for Labour and Employment 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)This Sector Plan for Labour and Employment has been formulated alongside the Second Medium Term Plan (MTP) 2013-2017, of the Kenya Vision 2030. The Sector Plan highlights in detail the policies, programmes and projects ... -
Sector Plan for Drought Risk Management and Ending Drought Emergencies 2013
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)Following the 2011 drought that led to unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Kenya and the entire Horn of Africa, the Government has taken bold steps towards ending drought emergencies in the country. In this respect, the ... -
Sector Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation 2013-2017 on Revitalizing and Harnessing Science, Technology and Innovation for Kenya’s Prosperity and Global Competitiveness
(Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 2013)Sustainable economic development requires that a country does not remain, primarily, a provider of raw materials with external dependency for hi-tech services. Thus, the ST&I sector seeks to identify national programmes ... -
Sector Plan for Science Technology and Innovation 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)Sustainable economic development requires that a country does not remain, primarily, a provider of raw materials with external dependency for hi-tech services. Thus, the ST&I sector seeks to identify national programmes ... -
Sector Plan for Tourism 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)The tourism sector in Kenya continues to play an important role in the country’s economic development through its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), foreign exchange earnings, employment and poverty ... -
Sector Plan for Manufacturing 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)The Manufacturing Sector Plan 2013-2017 is the second in the series of the sector plans. The plan provides a framework for accelerating and consolidating manufacturing growth and development in the medium term. It lays ... -
Sector Plan for Trade 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)Trade sector plays a significant role in the country’s growth and development through its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The sector has linkages with all other sectors of the economy by creating a ... -
Sector Plan for Governance Justice and the Rule of Law 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)The Second Medium Term Plan of the Governance Justice and Rule of Law sector is at the core of Kenya’s development efforts. It forms a direct implementation instrument for the Kenya Vision 2030 and provides answers to ... -
Sector Plan for Gender Youth and Vulnerable Groups 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)Gender, Youth and Vulnerable Group Sector is one of the key sectors that are expected to drive the agenda of the Kenya Vision 2030. This Sector Plan is expected to promote socio-economic empowerment of youth, women and ... -
Sector Plan for Financial Services 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)The goal of the Financial Services Sector under Kenya Vision 2030 is to make Kenya a vibrant and globally competitive financial sector driving high levels of savings and financing Kenya’s investment needs. This Plan ... -
Sector Plan for Oil and Other Minerals 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)The oil/gas and other minerals resources sector has been given prominence in the Second Medium Term Plan (2013-2018) as key contributor to the envisaged and sustained Gross Domestic Product growth of ten (10) per cent ... -
Sector Plan for Public Sector Reforms 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)An efficient, motivated and well trained public service is one of the major foundations of the Kenya Vision 2030. Indeed, according to the Constitution of Kenya (CoK, 2010) a public service must be build that is efficient, ...