Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Lamu County Approved Budget Estimates 2023/2024
(County Government of Lamu, 2023)
The total recurrent expenditure for the financial year 2023/2024 accounts for Kshs 2,686,171,972
which constitutes 59% of the total budget. Compensation to employee’s accounts for Kshs.
1,807,357,051 of the total expenditure ...
Lamu County Approved Budget Estimates 2019/2020
(County Government of Lamu, 2019)
The total recurrent expenditure for the financial year 2019/2020 accounts for Kshs
2,315,040,795 which constitutes 70% of the total budget. Compensation of employees accounts
for Kshs. 1,393,816 of the total expenditure ...
Lamu County Approved Budget Estimates 2021/2022
(County Government of Lamu, 2021)
The total recurrent expenditure for the Financial Year 2021/2022 accounts for Kshs
2,615,491,013 which constitutes 61.55% of the total budget. Compensation of employees
accounts for Kshs. 1,622,772,979 of the total ...