Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Makueni County Programme-Based Budget 2024/2025
(County Government of Makueni, 2024)
The FY 2024/25 Budget Estimates is prepared in accordance with the provisions of PFMA 2012, Section 135 and 136 and Regulation 39 of the PFMA Regulations (County Governments) 2015. The County Programme-Based Budget for FY ...
Makueni County Programme Based Budget 2017/2018
(County Government of Makueni, 2017)
The FY 2017/18 budget is the last budget to implement the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2013-17. The budget is anchored on the County Government agenda of socio economic transformation with a broad focus of ...
Makueni County Programme Based Budget 2019/2020
(County Government of Makueni, 2019)
This Budget estimates for financial year 2019/2020 are prepared in line with the County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2019 and the budget circular. The estimates focus on laying ground for implementation of the county development ...
Makueni County Programme Based Budget 2021/2022
(County Government of Makueni, 2021)
The Revised Budget estimates for Financial Year 2021/22 are prepared to take into consideration FY 202021 reallocation funds, address the revenue shortfall for FY 2020/21 and introduction of funds for IDA (World Bank) ...