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dc.description.abstractThe National Urban Development Policy highlights the impact of urbanization on Kenya and the need for a National Urban Development Policy (NUDP) to guide sustainable urban development. The policy aims to strengthen urban governance and management, development planning, urban investment, and the delivery of social and physical infrastructure throughout the country. The policy interventions cover urban management, urban core issues, and urban advisory to address issues such as urban planning, land, infrastructure, housing, climate change, and disaster and risk management. The success of the policy is crucial to ensuring sustainable development and economic growth, eradicating poverty, and creating productive, well-governed, resilient, sustainable, and competitive urban areas.en
dc.publisherMinistry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Developmenten
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPolicy Paper;2016
dc.subjectEnvironmental Designen
dc.subjectMillennium Development Goalsen
dc.subjectUrban Developmenten
dc.subjectUrban Governanceen
dc.subjectDevolution and Fiscal Decentralisationen
dc.titleNational Urban Development Policyen
dc.typePolicy Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorMinistry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Developmenten

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