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dc.description.abstractThe Programme-Based Supplementary I Budget for Financial year 2022/23-2024/25 has been prepared in line with the PFM ACT 2012 to give budgetary effect to Bomet County’s 2018-2022 County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) and the 2022/23 County Annual Development Plan (ADP) that reflects the CIDP’s fifth year priorities. For effective execution of the county functions, the County executive considered the following items which guided the supplementary Budget preparation: a) To consider the balance B/f figure of Kshs. 535M as the unspent funds from the previous financial year. b) Compassionate Funds allocation be increased by Kshs. 7M. The original allocation of Kshs. 8M meant for Compassionate Funds is not sufficient to cater for the emerging needs in all the 25 wards, hence the need for an increase in the allocation. c) The need to purchase of heavy equipments in the department of Roads at an estimated cost of Kshs. 250M. d) To provide for allocation towards Boda Boda Sacco of Kshs. 15M as a pre-election pledge made by, HE the Governor during campaign. e) The National government had requested for the purchase of land by the County government for the completion of Itembe Airstrip.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Bometen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCounty Budget;2022/2023
dc.subjectBudget Frameworken
dc.subjectBudget Allocationen
dc.subjectExpenditure Analysisen
dc.subjectRevenue Streamsen
dc.subjectResource Mobilizationen
dc.titleBomet County Programme Based Budget 2022/2023en
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Bometen

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