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dc.description.abstractThe FY 2023/24 Programme Based Budget is the first in a series of annual budgets that is prepared by the Nyalore administration to implement the CIDP 2023-27. The preparation of this document is in compliance with the Constitution of Kenya 2010, County Government Act 2012, Public Finance Management Act 2012 and the Public Finance Management Regulations 2015. It draws content from Annual Development Plan (ADP), Sector Working Reports and Fiscal Strategy Paper (FSP) for financial year 2023/24. The programmes and projects in 2023/24 Programme Based Budget will be implemented in strict compliance with the fiscal responsibility principles outlined in section 107 of the PFMA, 2012 and section 25 of the Public Finance Management Regulations 2015. These programmes and projects have integrated the aspirations of the Nyalore Manifesto and the BottomUp Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) from the National Governmenten
dc.publisherCounty Government of Siayaen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCounty Budget;2023/2024
dc.subjectEconomic Developmenten
dc.subjectInfrastructure Developmenten
dc.subjectBudget Frameworken
dc.subjectRevenue Collectionen
dc.subjectBudgetary Allocationen
dc.titleSiaya County Programme Based Budget 2023/2024en
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Siayaen

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