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dc.description.abstractSolid waste management remains one of the development challenges globally, nationally, Countywide and at the municipality level. Solid waste is in inevitable due to ordinary human activities such as industrial production, consumption at household level, construction and commercial processes among others. However, managing solid waste has health, environmental, social and economic implications. Consequently, public interventions in solid waste management coupled with engagement with private actors are required in order to achieve optimal results. In order to comprehensively address solid waste management, a framework setting the policy direction to be pursued by the Municipal board, County Government and other stakeholders is essential. The policy provides for the guiding framework for solid waste management in the municipality. The policy shall guide the municipality solid waste management actors providing effective, efficient and sustainable services while utilizing solid waste as an economic resourceen
dc.publisherCounty Government of Nyerien
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPolicy Paper;2020
dc.subjectSolid Waste Managementen
dc.subjectEnvironmental Degredationen
dc.subjectWaste Streamsen
dc.subjectWaste Sourcesen
dc.subjectSolid Waste Separationen
dc.titleNyeri Municipality Solid Waste Management Policy 2020en
dc.typePolicy Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Nyerien

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