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dc.description.abstractThis is our third Murang’a County Budget Review and Outlook Paper, it is meant to give us an opportunity to critically review our performance in the FY 2014/2014 flag out our shortcomings, identify our strengths and create a strong base for good performance in 2015/2016. While our intentions may mean well, financial management remain a delicate and sensitive function that largely dictate broadly the direction an organization takes. Both our planning and budgeting are done based on some factored assumptions that are at best very fluid. Whether it has to do with national government transfers that are at times delayed; local revenue collections and expenditures projection that bears the influence of national macroeconomic influences either positively or negatively. As critical stakeholders to the processes we should always endeavor to give our best given the challenging environment. It’s my desire that we all appreciate our mandated roles meant to ensure that the whole process works and deliver to the residents. All efforts should be geared to realizing 2015/2016 budget plans in a manner that allows for structured engagement especially to allow for a realistic and implementable budget.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Murangaen
dc.subjectBudget Implementationen
dc.subjectBudget Frameworken
dc.subjectInfrastructure Developmenten
dc.subjectResource Mobilizationen
dc.subjectBudget Ceilingen
dc.titleMuranga County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2015en
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Murangaen

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