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dc.description.abstractIn line with the provisions of the Public Finance Act (2012) I do hereby submit the Budget 2016/2017. This budget is prepared with intentions of achieving the County Vision and Mission as properly articulated by the County Integrated development Plan (CIDP) and Annual Development Plan 2016/2017. A lot of efforts were made in ensuring that the most urgent and deserving requests for funding were availed resources. However like it always happen in planning and budgeting, demand for resources always outstrip the resources available for sharing and as a consequence some demands could not be fully accommodated.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Murangaen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCounty Budget;2016/2017
dc.subjectBudget Implementationen
dc.subjectBudget Preparationen
dc.subjectFiscal Projectionsen
dc.subjectRevenue Performanceen
dc.subjectResource Allocationen
dc.titleMuranga County Programme Based Budget 2016/2017en
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Murangaen

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