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dc.description.abstractThe FY 2019/2020 Budget Estimates are anchored in the County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP, 2019) submitted to the County Assembly in February, 2019. The CFSP, 2019 was pegged on the theme of Embracing Urbanization for Accelerated Socio-Economic Development. It sought to invest in five thematic areas namely: - Urban Planning and Development; Investing in quality and affordable health care; Investing in quality and accessible education; Investment in innovative, modern and commercially oriented agriculture and good governance. The total Revenue is estimated at Kshs. 8,224,541,330 comprising of Kshs. 5,735,000,000 equitable share of Revenue raised Nationally and Kshs. 756,913,213 worth of conditional allocations from the National Government and Development partners. Meanwhile, our Own Source Revenue (OSR) is projected at Kshs. 66,000,000. The County also expects to have a balance brought forward from FY 18/19 of Kshs. 1,716,145,804 (inclusive of conditional grant). The total expenditure is therefore estimated at Kshs. 8,224,541,330 with Kshs. 5,001,750,094 as estimated recurrent and Kshs. 3,222,791,236 was voted for development. These estimates have complied to the 2019 CFSP, 2019/20 ADP and subsequently the 2018-2022 County Integrated Development Plan to ensure that there is consistency between County plans, Policies and Budgets. The expenditure estimates have complied with fiscal responsibility principles where 39% of the total expenditure was voted for development while the county wage bill stands at 25% of the total budget which is 35% on total revenue. The county Treasury reviewed and rationalized budget proposals to ensure that the total expenditure equals the total revenue to forestall either a budget deficit or surplus. The projected Own Source Revenue was advanced by 10% with a view of implementing revenue reforms.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Tana Riveren
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCounty Budget;2019/2020
dc.subjectBudget Frameworken
dc.subjectFiscal Budgeten
dc.subjectRevenue Expenditureen
dc.subjectResource Mobilizationen
dc.subjectInfrastructure Developmenten
dc.titleTana River County Approved budget Estimates 2019/2020en
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Tana Riveren

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