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dc.description.abstractThe Nairobi City County Government spearheaded by the Talent, Skills Development and Care Sector has developed this child protection and safeguarding policy. The sector worked to establish a seamless delivery of its mandate through a regulatory framework in form of this policy. The policy provides an environment for effective service delivery and optimal utilization of County resources. The policy ensures alignments of functions across sectors to support Children's rights and ensure a clean and safe environment for all children. The policy draws its legal mandates from the Constitution of Kenya 2010, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC, 1990), National and County Government legislations and other legal and regulatory provisions at the two levels of Government. The foundation of this policy's issues and interventions are based on various studies in the contextual analysis that have established challenges relating to children in Nairobi County. Based on the findings of the studies, the sector through its daily functions developed interventions to address these challenges through the policy. Lack of a legal framework to execute and support critical child protection programs and activities has hampered effective achievement of safeguards and protection measures. The county supports this endeavor, the sector has resources and goodwill including support from various child Protection State and non-state actors.en
dc.publisherNairobi City Countyen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSessional Paper;2024
dc.subjectChild Protectionen
dc.subjectChild Abuseen
dc.subjectChild Rightsen
dc.subjectPositive Parentingen
dc.titleSessional Paper No. 01 of 2024 on Child Protection and Safeguarding Policyen
dc.typeSessional Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Nairobien

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