Recent Submissions

  • Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024 

    County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2024)
    The Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper is the second to be prepared under HE Governor Jeremiah Ekamais Lomurkai Napotikans administration. it sets out the county political goals and strategic priorities that will be the ...
  • Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2023 

    County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2023)
    One of the key stages in the County budget preparation cycle is the production of the County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP). It sets out the county policy goals and strategic priorities that will be the basis for formulation ...
  • Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2021 

    County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2021)
    The County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) sets out the county policy goals and strategic priorities that will be the basis for formulation of the County’s Financial Year 2021/2022 budget and the Medium-Term projections. The ...
  • Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2020 

    County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2020)
    This County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP 2020) is the 7th edition since the advent of devolution to be prepared by the Turkana County Government. It is intended to foster the implementation of the 2nd generation CIDP ...
  • Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2019 

    Unknown author (County Government of Turkana, 2019)
    This Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) 2019 is the sixth since the advent of devolution and comes during a period of the implementation of the second generation County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) ...
  • Turkana County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2018 

    County Government of Turkana (County Government of Turkana, 2018)
    This paper is being prepared at a time when significant efforts have been made in the county which include appointing the County Executives, Chief Officers and restructuring of entire county government departments thus ...