Now showing items 1-10 of 64
Sessional Paper No 11 of 1989 on Kenya Government Guarantee of a Loan to Kenya Pipeline Company Limited by Export Import Bank of Japan
(Government of Kenya, 1989)
In accordance with the provision of the Guarantee (Loans) Act (Cap 461) the following information is laid before the National Assembly relating to a guarantee by the Government in respect of a loan of US $ 58355640 equivalent ...
Sessional Paper No. 13 of 1989 on Kenya Government of a Loan Kenya Pipeline Company Limited by Export Development Corporation of Canada
(Government of Kenya, 1989)
In accordance with the provision of the Guarantee (Loans) Act (cap 461) the following information is laid before the national assembly relating a guarantee by the government in respect of loan ……
Sessional Paper No. 09 of 1989 on Kenya Government Guarantee of a Loan to Kenya Power & Lighting Company From Indosuez Bank N.V. of Belgium
(Government of Kenya, 1989)
In accordance with the provision of the Guarantee (Loan) Act Cap 461, the following information, relating to a guarantee by the Government of an obligation to Kenya Power and Lighting Company in respect of a loan described ...
Sessional Paper No. 05 of 1987 on the Kenya Guarantee Loans to Kenya Railways Corporation by Export Import Bank of the United States and Banque Indosuez
(Government of Kenya, 1987)
In accordance with the provisions of the Guarantee (Loans) Act (Cap.461) the following information is laid before the National Assembly relating to a guarantee by the Government of obligations of the Kenya Railways Corporation ...
Sessional Paper No. 03 of 1970 on Kenya Government Guarantee for a Loan to the East African Posts and Telecommunications Corporation by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development the Guarantee (Loans) Act 1966
(The Government Printer, Nairobi, 1970)
In accordance with section 5 of the Guarantee (Loan) Act 1966, the following information is laid before the National Assembly in connexion with proposed guarantee by the Kenya Government (jointly and severally with the ...
Sessional Paper No. 04 of 1970 on Government Guarantee of Bank Overdraft Facilities to be Extended to East African Airways Corporation by The National Bank of Kenya Ltd.
(The Government Printer, Nairobi, 1970)
In accordance with the provisions of section 5 of the Loan (Guarantee) Act 1966, the following information is laid before the Notional Assembly in connection with a proposed guarantee by the Kenya Government of a bank ...
Sessional Paper No. 01 of 1970 on Government Guarantee in Respect of an I.B.R.D. Loan to the East African Railways Corporation.
(Government of Kenya, 1970)
In accordance with section 5 of the Guarantee (Loans) Act 1966, the following information is laid before the National Assembly in connexion with a proposed guarantee by the Government (jointly and severally with the ...
Sessional Paper No. 01 of 1973 on Government Guarantee for a Loan by The Danish Turkey Dairies through The Danish Ministry of Commerce (Export Credit Council) to the Kenya Co-operative Creameries Limited the Guarantee (Loans) Act Cap 461
(Government of Kenya, 1973)
In accordance with the provisions of the Guarantee (Loans) Act. Cap. 461, the following information is laid before the National Assembly relating to a Guarantee which the Kenya Government proposes to give to the Kenya ...
Sessional Paper No. 07 of 1973 on Government Guarantee for a Loan by the International Bank For Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) to the Industrial Development Bank (K) LTD.
(Government of Kenya, 1973)
In accordance with the provisions of the Guarantee (loans) Act Cap 461, the following information is laid before the National Assembly relating to a guarantee which the Kenya Government proposes to give in respect of a ...
Sessional Paper No. 05 of 1991 on Small Enterprise and Jua Kali Development in Kenya
This Sessional Paper provides a policy framework for promoting Small Scale and Jua Kali enterprise development in Kenya . . It is based on the work of a special task force established in March 1987 by Government to review ...