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dc.description.abstractThe CIDP (2013-2017) has demonstrated the important linkage between the County plans, Constitution of Kenya 2010 and other existing development plans. The development of this CIDP is a product of devolution which is as a result of two-tier governance system (with National and County Government) under the Constitution. Kenya’s Vision 2030 and its current Medium-Term Plan (2013-2017) have inspired the theme of the CIDP of moving “Towards a Globally Competitive and Prosperous Kenya”. This plan has as well acknowledged the importance of County to County partnerships in managing Cross-Nakuru County Integrated Development Plan, 2013 17 boundary ecosystems and well other cross boundary projects. Further the CIDP has offered an in-depth linkage with the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) by providing a status achievement and relevant indicators for each of the eight MDG goals. It is expected also that the preparation of other Sectoral and Urban plans within the County shall be on the basis of this CIDP (2013-2017).en_US
dc.publisherCounty Government of Nakuruen_US
dc.subjectInfrastructure Developmenten_US
dc.subjectRoad Networksen_US
dc.subjectSocial Servicesen_US
dc.subjectTrade Developmenten_US
dc.subjectTourism Developmenten_US
dc.titleNakuru City County Integrated Development Plan 2013-2017en_US
dc.typeDevelopment Planen_US
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Nakuruen_US

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