Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Policy Brief No. 12 of 2022/2023 on Enhancing Domestic Trade Participation by Female and Male-owned Firms in Kenya
(The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2022)
Domestic trade in Kenya is critical for job creation,
improving household livelihoods, and ensuring
economic resilience. The Kenya Vision 2030
emphasizes the importance of promoting genderresponsive
trade policies that ...
Sessional Paper No. 02 of 2005 on Development of Micro and Small Enterprises for Wealth and Employment Creation for Poverty Reduction
(Republic of Kenya, 2005)
The Vision of the Policy Statement is to promote a strong Kenyan economy into which the l'.1SEs are effectively integrated arid' able 'to make significant contribution in the production of goods and services. Thus, the ...
Discussion Paper No. 257 of 2021 on An Assessment of Kenya’s Regulatory Framework on Growth of Wholesale and Retail Firms
(The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2021)
The growth of wholesale and retail trade is significant in the development process
and was identified as a contributor to the achievement of Vision 2030 through
job creation. Its growth has been declining over the years ...
Discussion Paper No. 88 of 2008 on Factors Affecting Growth of Micro and Small Enterprises in Kenya
(The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2008)
The study analyzes the current status of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Kenya and the factors affecting their growth. Analysis of the 1999 MSE National Baseline Survey data is done using multiple regression, where ...