Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Sessional Paper No. 05 of 2012 on The National Social Protection Policy
(Ministry of Labour, 2012)
The Social Protection Policy is based on the following principles: leadership and
integrity; good governance; evidence-based programming; gender mainstreaming (in
other words, assessing the implications for both males ...
Sessional Paper No. 02 of 2014 on The National Social Protection Policy
(Republic of Kenya, 2014)
This Sessional Paper recognizes and builds on existing social protection initiatives such as education bursaries, school feeding programmes, agriculture subsidies, fee waivers in public health facilities, Orphans and ...
Sessional Paper No 02 of 2004 on National Social Health Insurance in Kenya
(Ministry of Health, 2004)
The Sessiona1Paper on National Social Health lnsu:rance in Kenya contains the proposed Social health insurance reforms which the government will put in place as from 1st July, 2004 to ensure access to quality healthcare ...
Sessional Paper No. 07 of 2012 on The Policy on Universal Health Care Coverage In Kenya
(Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, 2012)
This policy is hoped that Universal Health Coverage will go a long way in building the social pillar in
Kenya's Vision 2030 since, over the next 5 to 10 years, the majority of poor Kenyans will have
access to quality and ...
Muranga County Health Policy 2022-2027
(County Government of Muranga, 2022)
The Murang’a County Health Policy 2022–2027 provides the direction that ensure significant improvement in the overall status of health in Murang’a County well in line with the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the county’s CIDP, ...
Discussion Paper No. 292 of 2022 on Investing in the Youth to Realize Demographic Dividends in Kenya
(The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2022)
The Discussion Paper No. 292 of 2021 on Investing in the Youth to Realize Demographic Dividends in Kenya utilized cross-sectional data from the Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey 2015/16 to analyze the determinants ...
Discussion Paper No. 155 of 2013 on Demand for Health Care in Kenya: The Effect of Health Insurance
(The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2013)
The health of the general population has been a major concern of the Government
of Kenya since independence. There is evidence suggesting that positive health
outcomes can be achieved if health care is made broadly ...
Discussion Paper No. 50 of 2005 on Child Healthcare Seeking Behaviour in Kenya
(The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2005)
Although child healthcare receives enormous attention from governments,
households and international organizations in developing countries, the
economics of child healthcare in Kenya remain unexplored, denying this ...
Discussion Paper No. 42 of 2004 on Healthcare Financing Through Health Insurance in Kenya: The Shift to A National Social Health Insurance Fund
(The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2004)
The overall goal of the Government of Kenya is to promote and improve the health status of all Kenyans by making health services more effective, accessible, and affordable. To address problems in the health sector, and to ...