Now showing items 11-12 of 12
Policy Brief No. 89 of 2019-2020 on Children, Youth and Women Sensitive Planning and Budgeting in Kenya: Vihiga County Brief, 2014/15-2017/18
(The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2019)
This brief provides an analysis on how the County Government of Vihiga plans and budgets for the needs of children,
youth and women. The analysis focused on social sector budgets and actual expenditures for the period ...
Policy Brief No. 83 of 2019-2020 on Children, Youth and Women Sensitive Planning and Budgeting in Kenya: Nyandarua County Brief, 2014/15-2017/18
(The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2019)
This brief provides an analysis on how the County Government of Nyandarua plans and budgets for the needs of children,
youth and women. The analysis focused on social sector budgets and actual expenditures for the period ...