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dc.description.abstractThis is the third County fiscal strategy paper (CFSP 2016) for County government of Kakamega prepared by the County Treasury. It sets out the County priority programs to be implemented in the Medium Term expenditure Framework (MTEF) in the FY 2016/2017-2018/19. It is prepared in line with requirements of PFM Act of 2012 Section 117. Kakamega County has witnessed tremendous economic development including improved infrastructure, revitalized agricultural sector, and massive investments in education and health sectors since the inception of county governments. In addition, the continued development of modern markets and mikopo mashinani trade loans are expected to boost the volume of trade which has a multiplier effect in job creation, increased incomes and opening up of opportunities for entrepreneurial growth in the County. However, there are challenges that continue to hold the County back from achieving its full potential. They include: Inadequate budgetary allocation from the National Treasury, low local revenue base, high unemployment rates, inadequate human resource capacity and political interest. Strategies to address these challenges have been highlighted in this Fiscal strategy paper.en_US
dc.publisherCounty Government of Kakamegaen_US
dc.subjectFiscal Performanceen_US
dc.subjectBudget Frameworken_US
dc.subjectFinancial Servicesen_US
dc.subjectEconomic Developmenten_US
dc.subjectExpenditure Frameworken_US
dc.titleKakamega County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2016en_US
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Kakamegaen_US

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