Recent Submissions

  • National Development Plan for the Period 1997-2001 

    Goverment of kenya (Government of Kenya, 1997)
    This Plan covers the first phase of the Sessional Paper on Industrial Transformation to the Year 2020. This 8th National Development Plan for the period 1997 to 2001, lays the foundation for the transformation of Kenya ...
  • National Development Plan for the Period 1994-1996 

    Government of Kenya (Government of the Republic of Kenya, 1994)
    This Plan - Kenya's Seventh - covers the projected growth of the economy over the three calendar years 1994-1996, and more specifically, the investment programme of the Government in the three financial years 1994/95 to ...
  • National Development Plan for the Period 1989-1993 

    Government of Kenya (Government of Kenya, 1988)
    This Plan, the Sixth since the attainment of political independence comes at a critical turning point in our approach to the management of the national economy. It is the first among three through which the long-term ...
  • National Development Plan for the Period 1984-1988 

    Government of Kenya (Government of Kenya, 1984)
    This Plan- Kenya's Fifth Since Independence covers the projected growth of die economy over the five calendar years 1984-1988 and, more specifically, the investment programme of the Government in the financial years ...
  • National Development Plan for the Period 1979-1983 Part II 

    Republic of Kenya (Republic of Kenya, 1979)
    The development objectives, strategies and policies to guide the national development effort over this plan period are outlined in Part I of the 1979-83 Development Plan. Part II provides data on development programme ...
  • National Development Plan for the Period 1979-1983 Part I 

    Government of Kenya (Republic of Kenya, 1979)
    This Plan outlines the objectives, policies and programmes for the nation’s development efforts in the next five years. Improvements of the wellbeing of the people remain our dominant aim. The Plan focuses sharper attention ...
  • National Development Plan for the Period 1974-1978 Part I 

    Government of Kenya (Government of Kenya, 1974)
    This Plan Kenya's third since political independence covers the projected growth of the economy over the five calendar years 1974-78 and more specifically, the investment programme of the Government in the five financial ...
  • National Development Plan of 1974-1978 Part II 

    Government of Kenya (Government of Kenya, 1974)
    This Plan-Kenya's third since gaining political independence covers the projected growth of the economy over the five calendar years 1974-78 and, more specifically, the investment programme of the Government in the five ...
  • National Development Plan for the Period 1970-1974 

    Government of Kenya (Government of Kenya, 1970)
    This Plan-Kenya's second covers the projected growth of the economy over the five calendar years 1970-74 and, more specifically, the investment programme of the Government in the five financial years 1969 /70 to 1973/74. ...
  • National Development Plan for the Period 1964-1970 

    Republic of Kenya (Republic of Kenya, 1964)
    The key strategy of this Plan is to direct an increasing share of the total resources available to the nation towards the rural areas. The Government believes that it is only through an accelerated development of the ...