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dc.description.abstractDuring the past few years the Highlands Board has approved a number of transfers of land which involve amendments to the boundaries of the Highlands as described in the Seventh Schedule to the Crown Lands Ordinance. In some cases these have arisen, directly or indirectly, from the recommendations of the Kenya Land Commission. In other cases there has been an exchange between land in a native land unit or native· reserve and· land in the Highlands. At the time that these various transfers were approved there was no provision in law for amending the boundaries of the Highlannds as set out in the Seventh Schedule to the Crown Lands Ordinance (pages 207 5-2100 of Volume IT of the Laws of Kenya, l 948). The enactment of the Crown Lands (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954 (No. 7 of 1955) has now made it possible for the Governor, with the consent of the Highlands Board, and· subject to the approval of the Legislative Council by notice in the Gazette, to adjust the boundaries of the Highlands, whereupon the Seventh Schedule shall be- read and construed accordingly…en_US
dc.publisherThe Government Printer, Nairobien_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSessional Paper;1956;
dc.subjectLand Transferen_US
dc.subjectLand Boundariesen_US
dc.subjectCrown Landsen_US
dc.subjectSeventh Scheduleen_US
dc.titleSessional Paper No. 47 of 1956 on Adjustments to the Boundaries of the Highlands Under Section 67 of the Crown Lands Ordinance, Cap. 155en_US
dc.typeSessional Paperen_US
ppr.contributor.authorColony and Protectorate of Kenyaen_US

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