Occasional Paper No. 01 of 2001 on Strengthening the Link Between Policy Research and Implementation
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Gitu, Kang'ethe Wamaitha
Abstract/ Overview
The specific purpose of this paper is to identify issues that can strengthen the link between policy research and implementation. This subject matter is the mind of many Africans, and especially in the minds of decision-makers and researchers. Many argue that African policy analysts have produced ‘good’ policy papers but they have been poorly implemented. For example, the Kenya policy process has for long lacked a strong link joining policy formulation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment. This paper is presented in 12 sections1: section 1 presents the concept of the policy process including definitions of policy, research, policy analyst and researcher, policy maker and decision maker. Section 2 depicts the process of formulating policy. Section 3 presents problems in the policy process and section 4 the optimal process. The next seven sections present issues of policy failure or success that concern 5) marketing; 6) adequacy, accuracy and timely information in the policy process; 7) participation, control and consensus; 8) trust, cooperation commitment and acceptance; 9) proactive policy analysis and funding; 10) policy implementation dilemma, and 11) criteria for evaluation and monitoring policy. Section 12 is the summary and conclusion...
Subject/ Keywords
Policy research; Policy implementation; Policy researchers; Policy analysis; Policy-making process
The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and AnalysisSeries
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