Discussion Paper No. 63 of 2006 on Determinants and Strategies for Expanding Access to Secondary Education in Kenya
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Onsomu, Eldah N.; Muthaka, David I.; Ngware, Moses W.& Manda, Damiano K.
Abstract/ Overview
This study analyses the status, determinants and strategies for expanding access to secondary education in Kenya. A logit model is used to analyse the factors influencing access to secondary education schooling in Kenya. The main data source was the 1997 Welfare Monitoring Survey (WMS) III data and selected district level education statistics. Though a bit dated, it is the most recent comprehensive data available. An education policy simulation model provides the framework for evaluating feasible strategies for secondary expansion. The main determinants of access to secondary education at household level include social and economic characteristics such as income levels, households head's education level, household location (rural-urban), sex and age of the child, and accessibility to schools. Strategies for expanding secondary education include: a) physical infrastructure expansion; b) increasing internal efficiency starting with primary education level; c) enhancing efficiency in use of human and capital resources including available teachers and class rooms; d) household economic empowerment; e) adult education and household awareness on importance of secondary education; f) enhancing partnerships in secondary education provision and financing and g) addressing gender and regional disparities. The study argues favourably for expansion of secondary education infrastructure within the Education for All (EFA) framework in order to respond to the increasing demand, and to increase the number of youth with basic skills relevant to the labour market. Quality secondary education should be characterized by strong linkages with the labour market skills requirements and global challenges.
Subject/ Keywords
Secondary education; pupil-teacher ratio; Logit model; School infrastructure; Kenya
The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and AnalysisSeries
- Discussion Papers [344]