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dc.description.abstractEducation, training and research is a major platform for national socio-economic transformation. Thus, the Government of Kenya, in its commitment to transforming education, training and research, has instituted a number of measures based on findings of various commissions and task forces. The National Conference on Education, Training and Research held in November 2003 culminated in the development of Sessional Paper No. 1 of 2005, a Policy Framework for Education, Training and Research, which has largely been guiding education, training and research in the country. This Sessional Paper succeeds the 2005 Sessional Paper.en
dc.publisherMinistry of Educationen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSessional Paper;2019
dc.subjectEducation and Trainingen
dc.subjectBasic Educationen
dc.subjectSocio-Economic Transformationen
dc.subjectResearch and Developmenten
dc.subjectSkills Developmenten
dc.titleSessional Paper No. 01 of 2019 on a policy Framework for Reforming Education and Training for Sustainable Development in Kenyaen
dc.typeSessional Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorMinistry of Educationen

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