Recent Submissions

  • Makueni County Programme-Based Budget 2024/2025 

    County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2024)
    The FY 2024/25 Budget Estimates is prepared in accordance with the provisions of PFMA 2012, Section 135 and 136 and Regulation 39 of the PFMA Regulations (County Governments) 2015. The County Programme-Based Budget for FY ...
  • Makueni County Programme Based Budget 2022/2023  

    County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2022)
    This Makueni County Programme Based Budget 2022/2023  outlines the budget estimates for the Financial Year 2022/23, which have been prepared in line with the County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2023 and guided by the development ...
  • Makueni County Programme Based Budget 2021/2022  

    County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2021)
    The Revised Budget estimates for Financial Year 2021/22 are prepared to take into consideration FY 202021 reallocation funds, address the revenue shortfall for FY 2020/21 and introduction of funds for IDA (World Bank) ...
  • Makueni County Programme Based Budget 2020/2021 

    County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2020)
    This Budget estimates for financial year 2020/21 are prepared in line with the County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2020 and the budget circular. The estimates focus on laying ground for implementation of the county development ...
  • Makueni County Programme Based Budget 2019/2020 

    County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2019)
    This Budget estimates for financial year 2019/2020 are prepared in line with the County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2019 and the budget circular. The estimates focus on laying ground for implementation of the county development ...
  • Makueni County Programme Based Budget 2017/2018 

    County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2017)
    The FY 2017/18 budget is the last budget to implement the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2013-17. The budget is anchored on the County Government agenda of socio economic transformation with a broad focus of ...
  • Makueni County Programme Based Budget 2016/2017 

    County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2016)
    The FY 2016/17 Budget sets out programmes geared towards achieving the County Government‟s set social economic transformational agenda. This transformational agenda is aimed at creating wealth, reducing the poverty levels ...
  • Makueni County Programme Based Budget 2015/2016 

    County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2015)
    The Makueni 2015/16 Program based budget is the second to be prepared and reaffirms the broad policies and strategies for Socio economic transformational agenda founded in the FY 2014/15 budget. The agenda is aimed at ...
  • Makueni County Programme Based Budget 2014/2015 

    County Government of Makueni (County Government of Makueni, 2014)
    The promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 ushered a fundamental paradigm shift in Kenya. It introduced devolution which saw the creation of the 47 counties which vested substantial power and authority on governance ...