Legal and Legislative Circulars
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Legal and Legislative Circulars
This collection includes written statements of government policy which provide guidance, rules or background information on legislative or procedural matters. They set out policies, principles and practices for the exercise of ministerial powers delegated to public officials.

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Circular on Policy Measures to Enhance State Corporations' Revenue Generation and Expenditure Rationalization in line with the Government's Fiscal Consolidation Efforts
(The National Treasury and Economic Planning, 2024)This is further to the National Treasury Circular No. 13/2023 dated 13th December, 2023 on guidelines for budget preparation. As you are aware, the Government is desirous of undertaking fiscal consolidation geared towards ... -
Circular on Registration and Management of Public Service Retirement Benefit Schemes
(The National Treasury and Economic Planning, 2024)On 24th November 2010, the National Treasury issued Treasury Circular No. 18/2010 to guide the registration and management of public service retirement benefits schemes and ensure equity in sharing the cost of funding ... -
Circular on Guidelines for Implementation of the Financial Year 2023-2024 and the Medium Term Budget
(The National Treasury and Economic Planning, 2023-07)The Circular on Guidelines for Implementation of the Financial Year 2023_2024 and the Medium Term Budget provides comprehensive guidelines for the implementation of the financial year 2023-2024 budget and the medium-term ... -
Circular on National Development Projects Stock-Take; Project Portfolio Review and Rationalization
(The National Treasury and Economic Planning, 2023-06)The Circular on National Development Projects Stock-Take; Project Portfolio Review and Rationalization provides guidance and instructions for conducting a comprehensive stock-take of national development projects. This ... -
Circular on Induction Workshop for Board Members of State Corporations
(State Corporations Advisory Committee, 2023-06)The Circular on Induction Workshop for Board Members of State Corporations announces and provides details regarding an induction workshop designed for board members of state corporations. This circular emphasizes the ... -
Circular on Authentication of Academic and Professional Certificates in the Public Service
(Public Service Commission, 2023-05)The Circular on Authentication of Academic and Professional Certificates in the Public Service provides guidelines and procedures for the authentication of academic and professional certificates within the public service. ... -
Circular on Additional Information for the Preparation of the 10th Annual President's Report on National Values and Principles of Governance
(Public Service Commission, 2023-05)The Circular on Additional Information for the Preparation of the 10th Annual President's Report on National Values and Principles of Governance provides guidelines and instructions for gathering additional information to ... -
Circular on Extension of Service Upon Attainment of the Mandatory Retirement Age
(Public Service Commission, 2023-04)The Circular on Extension of Service upon attainment of the Mandatory Retirement Age provides guidelines and procedures for the extension of service beyond the mandatory retirement age for eligible individuals. This circular ... -
Circular on Guidelines for the Preparation of FY 2024/2025 and the Medium-Term Budget
(The National Treasury and Economic Planning, 2023)In accordance with the provisions of Article 220 of the Constitution and Sections 35(e) and 36 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012, the budgetmaking process for a given financial year is expected to commence not ... -
Circular on Review and Advice on Allowances in The Public Service
(Salaries and Remuneration Commission, 2023)The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) is established under Article 230 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, to set and regularly review the remuneration and benefits of all State officers, and advise the national ... -
Circular on Review and Setting of Allowances in The Public Service
(Salaries and Remuneration Commission, 2023)The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) is established under Article 230 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, to set and regularly review the remuneration and benefits of all State officers, and advise the national ... -
Circular on Guidelines for the Preparation of the Annual Budget for State Corporations for Financial Year 2024/2025 and Medium-Term Projections for FYs 2025/2026 & 2026/2027
(The National Treasury and Economic Planning, 2023)1. In accordance with the State Corporations Act, Cap. 446, Sections 11 and 12 and the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 (PFMA), Section 68, all State Corporations are required to prepare and submit their proposed budgets ... -
Circular on guidelines for the Preparation of FY 2024/2025 and the Medium-Term Budget
(The National Treasury and Economic Planning, 2023)In accordance with the provisions of Article 220 of the Constitution and Sections 35(e) and 36 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012, the budgetmaking process for a given financial year is expected to commence not ... -
Circular on Corruption Prevention Within Government
(Public Service Commission, 2023)This circular highlights recent cases of corruption in government agencies and the subsequent administrative actions taken. It mentions that the President has issued a proclamation emphasizing a zero-tolerance policy towards ... -
Circular on Guidelines for Development and Review of Human Resource Management Instruments in State Corporations
(Public Service Commission, 2023)The Circular issued by the Public Service Commission (PSC) provides comprehensive guidelines for the development and review of Human Resource Management (HRM) instruments in State Corporations. These guidelines aim to ... -
Circular on Separation of Roles Between Boards of Directors and Management of State Corporations and Agencies
(Public Service Commission, 2023)This circular highlights the importance of the separation of roles between the Board and management in the governance of state corporations and agencies. It emphasizes that the Board's primary responsibility is to monitor ... -
Circular on Values and Principles Compliance Evaluation Report Findings-Request for Webinar Nominees
(Public Service Commission, 2022-03)The Circular on Values and Principles Compliance Evaluation Report Findings and Request for Webinar Nominees announces the availability of the compliance evaluation report findings and invites nominations for a webinar on ... -
Circular on Management of Promotional Examination in the Public Service 2022
(Public Service Commission, 2022-02)The Circular on Management of Promotional Examination in the Public Service provides guidelines and procedures for the effective management of promotional examinations within the public service. This circular aims to ensure ... -
Circular on Recruitment of New Staff 2022
(Public Service Commission, 2022-02)The Circular on Recruitment of New Staff provides guidelines and procedures for the recruitment process of new staff within an organization. This circular aims to ensure transparency, fairness, and efficiency in the ... -
Circular on Promotion, Evaluation and Reporting on National and Public Service Values and Principles to All Chief Executive Officers
(Public Service Commission, 2022-02)This circular addresses the promotion, evaluation, and reporting on national and public service values and principles to all chief executive officers (CEOs). It highlights the importance of upholding these values and ...