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dc.description.abstractThe Kisumu County Climate Change Policy provides a framework for addressing the issues that Kisumu face or will face in future due to the changing climate. The National Climate Change Response Strategy (2010), National Climate Change Action Plan (2013-2017) and the National Climate Change Act of 2016, the Sessional paper No. 3 of 2016 on Climate Change Framework Policy 2018, Nationally Determined Contribution, National Adaptation Plan (2015-2030), Green Economy Strategy and Implementation Plan (2016-2030), National long-term Vision 2030 and its third Medium Term Plan presently anchored in the President’s “Big Four Agenda” and its implementation arrangements as well as the Kenya Constitution 2010 have all been used as building blocks for preparation of this policy. Furthermore, extensive consultations with stakeholders including sectoral heads at the County, communities in every sub-county and civil society provided valuable inputs to this policy document. In view of Kisumu’s high vulnerability to adverse impacts of climate change, in particular extreme events, adaptation efforts are the main focus of this policy document while not forgetting the need for mitigation. The vulnerabilities of various sectors to climate change have been highlighted and appropriate adaptation measures spelled out. These cover policy actions addressing sectors such as water resources, agriculture, forestry, biodiversity and various vulnerable ecosystems.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Kisumuen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPolicy Paper; 2019
dc.subjectClimate Changeen
dc.subjectDisaster Preparednessen
dc.subjectWater Resourcesen
dc.titleKisumu City County Climate Change Policy 2019en
dc.typePolicy Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Kisumuen

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