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dc.description.abstractThe PFM Act 2012 2nd Schedule provides for the preparation and adoption of Programme Based Budgeting by County Governments. Programme Based Budgeting approach focuses on outputs and outcomes of public spending and therefore provides a framework to measure performance. Kwale County Government has adopted the Programme Based Budget approach in the budget framework for 2016/2017.This is the fourth budget the County Government is preparing for tabling in the Kwale County Assembly. In preparing this 2016/17 MTEF Budget, Kwale County Treasury took into consideration the following factors:- i. Preparation of the 2016/17 budget under the Medium Term Expenditure Framework(MTEF) which incorporates multi-year budgeting ii. Compliance to the fiscal responsibility principles as laid down in the constitution 2010 and PFM Act 2012 iii. Strategic objectives and interventions mentioned in the 2016 County Fiscal Strategy Paper and First County Integrated Development Plan approved by the County Assembly iv. Citizens proposals received during the public hearings held between the 14-30thMarch 2016. v. Maintaining a balanced budget so that the County government spends within its income. The total budget of Ksh.8.136 Billion balances with the estimated total revenuesfor FY2016/2017.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Kwaleen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCounty Budget;2016/2017
dc.subjectFiscal Performanceen
dc.subjectFinancial Managementen
dc.subjectBudget Frameworken
dc.subjectFiscal Responsibilitiesen
dc.subjectBudget Implementationen
dc.titleKwale County Programme Based Budget 2016/2017en
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Kwaleen

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