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dc.description.abstractThe County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) present the fiscal outcome for 2012/13 and how this affects the financial objectives set out in the 2013 Budget Policy Statement (BPS). The updated macroeconomic outlook therein also provides us with a basis to revise the 2013/14 budget in the context of the Supplementary Estimates, as well as set out the broad fiscal parameters for the next budget and medium term. Very briefly, we went through the challenges of last financial year and closed the year satisfactorily. While the macroeconomic environment has improved significantly since March 2013, there are still many challenges due to the fact that this is a new government, under a new political dispensation and hence new ways of doing things which in itself is a challenge. Under these circumstances, we remain steadfast in maintaining macroeconomic stability, even in the face of expenditure pressures associated with the fact that our people have remained marginalized for a long time hence lacking very basic services and salary demands from every avenue. More important, greater transparency and high quality management of public finances at both levels of government (that is, sub county and county governments) will be necessary to achieve the aspirations of the Taita Taveta people of a better tomorrow. The fiscal framework presented in this 2013 CBROP provides a strong basis for building our common future under the new constitutional dispensation. More details will be provided in the next Budget Policy Statement expected shortly.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Taita Tavetaen
dc.subjectBudget Processesen
dc.subjectFiscal Performanceen
dc.subjectBudget Frameworken
dc.subjectPriority Programmesen
dc.subjectDevolved Functionsen
dc.titleTaita Taveta County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2013en
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Taita Tavetaen

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