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dc.description.abstractThis paper is the fourth by Murang’a County and under the devolved system of government, it will set stage for the final budget under CIDP 2013-2017. It should be noted that many of the challenges identified by various stakeholder has been tackled by the County and National Government to differing levels, however due the ever-present limitation of resources many more needs to be done before the desired objectives are achieved. 2017/2018 budget will offer the current Government an opportunity to seal any loopholes in the finalization of the 2013-2017 planning cycle and create a platform for a more stable 2018-2022. It’s my hope that his document will effectively guide the process and deliver a county budget that deliver hope to our residents and meet our shared aspiration as we create a better future for the people of Murang’a. Let all work hard and leave a worthy mark.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Murangaen
dc.subjectFiscal Performanceen
dc.subjectRevenue Collectionen
dc.subjectFiscal Projectionsen
dc.subjectFlagship Projectsen
dc.subjectBudgetary Allocationen
dc.titleMuranga County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2017en
dc.typeStrategy Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Murangaen

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