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dc.description.abstractThe Kakamega County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP 2024) is prepared as provided under section 117 of the PFM Act, 2012. The Paper sets out the County Government priority Programmes to be implemented during the FY 2024/25 and over the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period. Preparation of this document has been done through a collaborative effort and therefore reflects the needs of the people of Kakamega County. The Paper has been aligned to key National and County policy documents which include and not limited to; the Kenya Vision 2030, MTP IV 2023-2027, the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda(BETA), Kakamega County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP 2023 -2027) and the County Annual Development Plan (C- ADP 2024/25). Over the medium term period, the County Government has continued to record positive economic development as a result of improved health and sanitation services to the people, improved infrastructure and wealth creation initiatives, revitalized agricultural sector and the significant investments in other sectors including health, education and trade. To keep this development pace, the County main focus during the FY 2024/25 fiscal period will be geared towards the Governor's six point agenda: Health, sanitation and hygiene; Wealth creation and Infrastructural development; Food security; Education; Social development and Good governance.en
dc.publisherCounty Government of Kakamegaen
dc.subjectStrategic Planningen
dc.subjectStrategy Implementationen
dc.subjectFiscal Budgeten
dc.subjectPriority Projectsen
dc.subjectDevolved Functionsen
dc.titleKakamega County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024en
dc.typeStrategy Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Kakamegaen

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