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dc.description.abstractWajir County is located in the North-Eastern part of Kenya. The County lies between latitudes 3o 60‘N and 0o 20‘N and Longitudes 39o E and 41o E and covers an area of 56,685.9 Km2. (Wajir CIDP, 2018). It borders Marsabit to the North West, Isiolo to the South West, Mandera to the West, Somalia to the East and Garissa to the South. The County has a population of 781, 263, with 415, 374 males, 365,840 females and 49 Intersex (KNBS, 2019). Wajir town is the County’s capital. Othertowns include Buna, Eldas, Bute, Helu, Elben, Waghala and Khorof Harar. The County is divided into 6 sub-counties namely Wajir East, Wajir West, Wajir North, Wajir South, Eldas and Tarbaj. The 6 sub-counties are further sub-divided into 30 wards. Wajir West has 4 wards (Arbajahan, Hadado/Athiboho;, Adamasajide and Ganyure/Wagalla), Tarbaj has 4 wards (Elben, Sarman, Tarbaj and Wargadud), Wajir East has 4 wards (Wagberi, Township, Barwago and Khorof Harar), Eldas has 4 wards (Eldas, Della, Lakoley South/Basir and Elnur), Wajir South has 7 wards (Benane, Burder, Dadajabula, Habaswein, Lagbogol South, Ibrahim Ure and Diff) and Wajir North has 7 wards (Gurar, Bute, Korondille, Malkagufu, Batalu, Danaba and Godoma (WCG). The County is generally flat with an average altitude of 244m (Wajir CIDP, 2018). Wajir County falls in the ecological zones V-VI. Zone V receives rainfall between 300-600mm annually while zone VI receives an annual rainfall of 200-400mm (Wajir CIDP, 2018).en
dc.publisherRegional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD)en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMaster Plan;2023
dc.subjectHazard Profileen
dc.subjectHazard Mappingen
dc.subjectAtlas Developmenten
dc.subjectDrought Managementen
dc.subjectDrought Prevalenceen
dc.titleWajir County Hazards Atlas Map 2023en
dc.typeMaster Plan or Blueprinten
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Wajiren

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