dc.description.abstract | In this plan, we present priority programmes which the Government and its partners shall be investing in during the fiscal period 2018/19. During the period 2018-2022, as promised to Nairobians through the
Governor’s manifesto and as illustrated in the proposed County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022, our efforts will focus on the attainment of eight key development objectives. These include; Provision of quality physical infrastructure in the city, Expansion of economic growth opportunities to diverse groups including youth, women, PWDs, Provision of reliable, accessible, quality and affordable healthcare, Provision of accessible, affordable and quality ECD and vocational opportunities for all, Promotion of food and nutritional security for all, Promotion of good governance, public participation and rule of law,
Increasing access to affordable and quality housing, and Provision clean energy, safe drinking water,
waste management and sanitary services in a secure sustainable environment. The above focus arears are aligned to the Government manifesto and the other “Big Four” strategic areas namely:- Raising manufacturing, food security, improved nutrition, universal healthcare and affordable housing | en_US |