Recent Submissions

  • Samburu County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2027 

    County Government of Samburu (County Government of Samburu, 2023)
    County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs) are Plans prepared every five years as development master plans. They create a framework for planning, coordinated development, budgeting, effective and efficient project ...
  • Samburu County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022 

    County Government of Samburu (County Government of Samburu, 2018)
    Kenya’s Constitution 2010 brought in far-reaching changes in the way that government operates and relates to its citizens, with a view to making it more fair, efficient, transparent and accountable. The constitution ...
  • Samburu County Integrated Development Plan 2013-2017 

    County Government of Samburu (County Government of Samburu, 2013)
    The CIDP provides an overview of the socio-economic, infrastructural, ecological and environmental information of the County. This includes a description of the County in terms of its location, size, physiographic and ...