Now showing items 166-185 of 880

    • E-Government Strategy: The Strategic Framework, Administrative Structure, Training Requirements and Standardization Framework 

      Republic of Kenya (Republic of Kenya, 2004)
      The achievement of e-Government is one of the main priorities of the Government towards the realisation of national development goals and objectives for Wealth and Employment Creation. Effective and operational e-Government ...
    • East African Community Gender Policy 2018 

      East African Community Secretariat (East African Community Secretariat, 2018)
      Globally, respect for human rights, inclusivity and empowerment are fundamental principles of humanity. The quest for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment is critical for social, cultural and economic development ...
    • East African Community Policy on Persons With Disabilities 2012 

      East African Community (Ministry of East African Community, 2012)
      The policy will promote a framework for; Enhancing the recognition of the roles, contributions and potentials of PWDs in the development process, Strengthening/developing the informal and formal community based support ...
    • East African Community Youth Policy 2013 

      East African Community (East African Community, 2013)
      In all parts of the world, young people, living in countries at different stages of development and in different socio-economic situations, aspire to live full lives in their societies. However, the increasing youth ...
    • Economic Policy Instructing the Drafting of County Revenue Legislation 2015 

      Commission on Revenue Allocation (Commission on Revenue Allocation, 2015)
      The purpose of this guide is to assist county governments prepare revenue laws and fiscal policies that are in conformity with the principles of the Constitution and other laws. The guide is also intended to support a ...
    • Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation 2003-2007 

      Ministry of state for Planning, (Ministry of state for Planning, 2003)
      The Kenyan economy has performed poorly over the last two decades leading to deterioration in the quality of life of Kenyans. Among the reasons for this poor performance include poor implementation of economic policies ...
    • Education and Training Sector Gender Policy 

      Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 2015)
      The Education and Training Sector Gender Policy discusses the importance of education as a fundamental human right for individual, social, and national development. The Education Sector Gender Policy is designed to ensure ...
    • Education for Sustainable Development Policy for the Education Sector 2017 

      Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education, 2017)
      ESD is a broad and evolving concept that can be broadly interpreted as holistic and transformational education that addresses learning content and outcomes, pedagogy and the learning environment to achieve societal ...
    • Education Sector Disaster Management Policy 2017 

      Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education, 2018-01)
      The Education Sector Disaster Management Policy 2017 emphasizes the Ministry of Education's commitment to providing quality education and delivering the post-2015 Education Agenda, which focuses on global sustainable ...
    • Feed-In-Tariffs Policy on Wind, Biomass, Small-Hydro, Geothermal, Biogas and Solar Resource Generated Electricity 2012 

      Ministry of Energy (Ministry of Energy, 2012)
      A Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) is an instrument for promoting generation of electricity from renewable energy sources. A Feed-in-Tariff allows power producers to sell renewable energy generated electricity to an Off-taker at a ...
    • First Medium Term Plan, 2008-2012: A Globally Competitive and Prosperous Kenya / Kenya Vision 2030 

      Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 (Government of Kenya, 2008)
      This Medium Term Plan (MTP) identifies the key policy actions and reforms as well as programmes and projects that the Grand Coalition Government intends to implement in the period 2008-2012. It is the foundation for the ...
    • Forest Policy 2014 

      Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, 2014)
      This Policy proposes a broad range of measures and actions responding to the challenges faced by the forest sector. It is based upon the views and expert opinion of those participants drawn from the public and private ...
    • Fourth Medium Term Plan 2023-2027: Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda for Inclusive Growth 

      The National Treasury and Economic Planning (The National Treasury and Economic Planning, 2024)
      The Fourth Medium Term Plan (MTP IV) 2023-2027 implements the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), which is geared towards economic turnaround and inclusive growth through a value chain approach. BETA targets ...
    • Furniture Industry in Kenya Situational Analysis and Strategy 2015 

      Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development (Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development and The World Bank., 2015)
      The Government of Kenya recognizes that the performance of the furniture sector is crucial both to employment and growth in the country. The Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development (MOIED) therefore ...
    • Gender Policy 2011 

      Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development (Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development, 2011)
      The Kenya National Policy on Gender and Development (NPGD), 2000 spells out a policy approach of Gender mainstreaming and empowerment of women and clearly states that it is the right of women, men, girls and boys to ...
    • Governance Strategy Paper for Building a Prosperous Kenya 2006 

      Government of Kenya (Government of Kenya, 2006)
      The performance of the Kenyan economy deteriorated markedly in the 1980s and 1990s, with growth falling below its potential. A number of factors contributed to this poor performance, including external shocks and broad-based ...
    • Governance Strategy Paper for Building a Prosperous Kenya 2006 

      Republic of Kenya (Republic of Kenya, 2006)
      The performance of the Kenyan economy deteriorated markedly in the 1980s and 1990s, with growth falling below its potential. A number of factors contributed to this poor performance, including external shocks and broad-based ...
    • Government Support Measures Policy 2018 

      The National Treasury and Planning (The National Treasury and Planning, 2018)
      This Policy Statement declares the Government of Kenya’s practice and stance on the conditions under which Government may make various supports available to implementers of public projects, in order for such investments ...
    • Government White Paper No. 04 of 1951 on Change of User from Agricultural to Residential, Commercial and Industrial User 

      Goverment of kenya (Government of Kenya, 1951)
      A White paper prepared by a committee appointed by the Governor to facilitate the change of user from agricultural to residential, commercial and industrial user with the following terms of reference: To consider and report ...
    • Green Economy Strategy and Implementation Plan 2016-2030: A low carbon, resource efficient, equitable and inclusive socio-economic transformation 

      Government of Kenya (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, 2016)
      The green economy strategy is geared towards enabling Kenya to attain a higher economic growth rate consistent with the vision 2030 which firmly embeds the principles of sustainable development in the overall national ...