Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Regional Development Policy 2007
(Ministry of Regional Development Authorities, 2007)
In order to provide a lasting solution to this problem, there is need to integrate an alternative approach to development that provides a multifaceted and multi- sectoral framework that will foster a more balanced economic ...
Speech by His Excellency President Mwai Kibaki, C.G.H., M.P., on Madaraka Day, June 1, 2008
(Office of the President, 2008)
It is my great pleasure to join all of you in celebrating the 45th Madaraka Day. Forty-five years ago, on the historic day of 1st June,1963, we assumed responsibility as Kenyans, in managing the affairs of our Government ...
Speech by His Excellency President Mwai Kibaki, C.G.H., M.P., on Madaraka Day, June 1, 2004
(Office of the President, 2004)
We have gathered here today, to celebrate the 41 st Anniversary of Madaraka Day. We commemorate this occasion because it marks an important turning point in the history of our
nation. On this memorable occasion, I send ...
Speech by His Excellency President Mwai Kibaki, C.G.H., M.P., on Jamhuri Day, December 12, 2009
(Office of the President, 2009)
We thank God that in spite of the mixed fortunes we have remained a strong ssovereign and independent nation. We can, therefore, say with cconfidence that the independence we won forty-six years ago is secure, and will ...
Speech by His Excellency President Daniel T. Arap Moi, C.G.H., M.P., on Moi Day, October 10, 2001
(Office of the President, 2001)
Moi day was a national holiday in Kenya, celebrated on the 10th day of the month of October, to commemorate the inauguration of His Excellency Daniel T. Arap Moi, as the second President of the Republic of Kenya. President ...
Governance Strategy Paper for Building a Prosperous Kenya 2006
(Government of Kenya, 2006)
The performance of the Kenyan economy deteriorated markedly in the 1980s and 1990s, with growth falling below its potential. A number of factors contributed to this poor performance, including external shocks and broad-based ...
Sessional Paper No. 01 of 2000 on National Population Policy for Sustainable Development
(Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2000)
This policy outlines the population and development goals, objectives and targets to guide its implementation up to the year 201o. The goals and objectives include improvement of the standards of living and quality of life ...
Sessional Paper No. 06 of 2005 on Privatization of State Corporations and Investments
(Republic of Kenya, 2005)
This Sessional Paper has been prepared in response to issues raised in various public forums; debates in Parliament on the Privatization Bill; and recent deliberations between the Minister for Finance and the Finance and ...