Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Speech by His Excellency President Daniel T. Arap Moi, C.G.H., M.P., on Kenyatta Day, October 20, 1996
(Office of the President, 1996)
Mashujaa is a Swahili word for Heroes. Mashujaa day is a national holiday in Kenya, celebrated on the 20th day of the month of October, to honour the selfless compatriots’ sacrifices, towards the struggle for independence. ...
Speech by His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta, C.G.H., on Madaraka Day, June 1, 2016
(Office of the President, 2016)
Let me start by thanking the people ·of Nakuru County for their warm welcome today. The decision to share the celebrations of our nationhood among the counties is part of the
Jubilee administration's desire to include ...
Speech by His Excellency President Mwai Kibaki, C.G.H., M.P., on Madaraka Day, June 1, 2012
(Office of the President, 2012)
Fellow Kenyans, ladies and gentlemen, i am pleased to join you for this 49th madaraka day celebrations. i wish to send my warm greetings to all Kenyans wherever they may be in our beautiful country. i also convey warm ...
Sessional Paper No. 02 of 1997 on Industrial Transformation to The Year 2020
(Republic of Kenya, 1997)
This Sessional Paper maps out a strategy for Kenya's industrialization process and the part that Government must play in its implementation. The Government is totally committed to fulfilling its role and providing the ...
Budget Speech for FY 1993/1994
(The National Treasury, 1994)
Speech delivered to the National Assembly on 10th June 1993 by the Hon. Musalia Mudavadi, Minister for finance republic of Kenya, when presenting the budget for the fiscal year 1993/94 (1st July 1993 to 30th June 1994)
Budget Speech for FY 1987/1988
(The National Treasury, 1987)
Speech delivered to the National Assembly on 11th June 1987 by the Hon Prof. George Saitoti , Minister for finance republic of Kenya, when presenting the budget for the fiscal year 1987/88 (1st July 1987 to 30th June 1988)
National Agribusiness Strategy 2012: making Kenya’s agribusiness sector a competitive driver of growth
(Ministry of Agriculture, 2012)
In Kenya, agriculture contributes about 25 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and provides a livelihood to three-quarters of the population. Food production plays an important part in maintaining the country’s food ...
Sessional Paper No. 04 of 1987 on Ministry of Co-operative Development Renewed Growth through the Co-operative Movement
(Government of Kenya, 1987)
The national objectives and the ultimate goals of public policy in Kenya were initially spelt out in the Kanu manifesto of 1963 and the Sessiona1 Paper No. 10 of 1965 headed ·African Socialism and Its Application to Planning ...
Sessional Paper No. 01 of 1986 on Economic Management for Renewed Growth
(Republic of Kenya, 1986)
This Sessional Paper represents a departure from previous practice. In the past, changing economic conditions have required sessional papers on the economy to indicate adjustments in the ongoing development plans. The ...
Sessional Paper No. 04 of 1980 on Economic Prospects and Polices
(Government of Kenya, 1980)
The· Fourth National Development plan. covering the years' 1979/ 80,1982/83. is based on a number of assumptions which. appeared realistic: when the Plan was. written, These assumptions are consistent with the Plan, targets ...