Now showing items 31-40 of 62
Speech by His Excellency President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, C.G.H., M.P., on Kenyatta Day, October 20, 1977
(Office of the President, 1977)
Mashujaa is a Swahili word for Heroes. Mashujaa day is a national holiday in Kenya, celebrated on the 20th day of the month of October, to honour the selfless compatriots’ sacrifices, towards the struggle for independence. ...
Speech by His Excellency President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, C.G.H., M.P., on Jamhuri Day, December 12, 1972
(Office of the President, 1972)
Jamhuri is a Swahili word for Republic. Jamhuri day is a national holiday in Kenya, celebrated on the 12th day of the month of December every year, to commemorate full independence from the British colonial powers in 1963 ...
Speech by His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta, C.G.H., During The 59th Madaraka Day on June 1, 2022
(Executive office of the President, 2022-06-01)
Today, I am delighted to return to these hallowed grounds of Uhuru Gardens to commemorate our 59th Madaraka Day. I am overjoyed because, after 59 years of self-rule, this is the first time we are celebrating Madaraka Day ...
Sessional Paper No. 02 of 1997 on Industrial Transformation to The Year 2020
(Republic of Kenya, 1997)
This Sessional Paper maps out a strategy for Kenya's industrialization process and the part that Government must play in its implementation. The Government is totally committed to fulfilling its role and providing the ...
Buy Kenya-Build Kenya Strategy 2017
(Republic of Kenya, 2017)
Kenya has pursued export oriented economy which has seen the introduction of diverse export incentives and regimes. The export incentives have led to rise in manufacturing for exports especially in the targeted sectors. ...
National Tourism Blueprint 2030
(Ministry of Tourism, 2017)
The Kenyan tourism industry plays an important role in the economy of
Kenya but the industry has experienced challenges in recent years due to
the negative impacts of events such as the terrorist attacks in Nairobi ...
Governance Strategy Paper for Building a Prosperous Kenya 2006
(Government of Kenya, 2006)
The performance of the Kenyan economy deteriorated markedly in the 1980s and 1990s, with growth falling below its potential. A number of factors contributed to this poor performance, including external shocks and broad-based ...
Sector Plan for Financial Services 2013-2017
(Government of the Republic of Kenya, 2013)
The goal of the Financial Services Sector under Kenya Vision 2030 is to make Kenya a vibrant and
globally competitive financial sector driving high levels of savings and financing Kenya’s investment
needs. This Plan ...
Budget Speech for FY 2012/2013
(The National Treasury, 2012)
Budget statement delivered to the National assembly on 14th June 2012, by Hon. Robinson Njeru Githae, Egh, MP., Minister for Finance, Republic of Kenya, when presenting the budget for fiscal year 2012/2013
Budget Speech for FY 1993/1994
(The National Treasury, 1994)
Speech delivered to the National Assembly on 10th June 1993 by the Hon. Musalia Mudavadi, Minister for finance republic of Kenya, when presenting the budget for the fiscal year 1993/94 (1st July 1993 to 30th June 1994)