Now showing items 1-20 of 34

    • Molo District Development Plan 2008-2012 

      Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 (Government printers, 2009)
      The 8th District Development Plan (DDP) for the period 2008-2012 was prepared by the District Planning and Monitoring Unit in close collaboration with members of the various Sector Working Groups (SWGs). Considerable effort ...
    • Naivasha District Development Plan 2008-2012 

      Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 (Government printers, 2009)
      The 8th District Development Plan (DDP) for the period 2008-2012 was prepared by the District Planning and Monitoring Unit in close collaboration with members of the various Sector Working Groups (SWGs). Considerable effort ...
    • Nakuru County Youth, Culture, Gender, Sports & Social Services Sector Report 2020/2021-2022/23 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2020)
      The Department (Youth, culture and gender, sports and social services) encompasses the Social protection sector. The department is constituted of various directorates: Youth, Culture & Gender, Sports and Social Services. ...
    • Nakuru County Annual Development Plan 2016/2017 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2015)
      The 2016/17 County Annual Development Plan is the second to be prepared by the Nakuru County Government. It sets out the County’s priority programmes to be implemented in the Financial Year 2016/2017 under the Medium Term ...
    • Nakuru County Annual Development plan 2017/2018 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2016)
      The 2017/2018 Nakuru County Annual Development Plan (ADP) marks the last one-year development plan that will actualize the first Nakuru County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP 2013-2017). The plan contains the strategic ...
    • Nakuru County Annual Development Plan 2018/2019 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2017)
      Nakuru County Annual Development Plan (ADP 2018-2019) is the fourth to be prepared since the inauguration of the County Governments and the first to be prepared under the 2nd County Government regime. The ADP is prepared ...
    • Nakuru County Annual Development plan 2019/2020 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2018)
      The 2019/2020 Annual Development Plan (ADP) is the second to be prepared under the 2nd CIDP (2018-2022) implementation period. The ADP was prepared through a participatory process in line with the Constitution of Kenya, ...
    • Nakuru County Annual Development plan 2021/2022 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2020)
      The Annual Development Plan is prepared pursuant to Section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act 2012 and to guide short term County development planning in line with the medium-term priorities of the County Integrated ...
    • Nakuru County Annual Development plan 2022/2023 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2021)
      The County Annual Development Planning process provides a foundation to the Annual budget process. This Annual Development Plan (ADP 2022.2023) was prepared in accordance with Section 126 of the Public Finance Management ...
    • Nakuru County Annual Development Plan 2024/2025 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2023)
      The Annual Development Plan (ADP) 2024/2025 has been prepared as the foundation for the 2024/2025 budget cycle in line with section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act (PFM) 2012. the ADP 2024/2025 is the second to ...
    • Nakuru County Approved Budget Estimates 2014/2015 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2014)
      The 2014/15 budget is sector based which majorly borrows from the National Government classification of functions. The County Treasury Circular 1 and 3 outlined the guidelines observed in the preparation of this budget ...
    • Nakuru County Approved Budget Estimates 2015/2016 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2015)
      Total expenditure summary 2015/2016 and projected estimates for 2016/2017, 2017/2018. The estimates of the amount required in the year ending 30th June 2016 for salaries and expenses and Capital expenses of the County ...
    • Nakuru County Approved Budget Estimates 2017/2018 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2017)
      Total expenditure summary 2017/2018 and projected estimates for 2018/19 and 2019/20. The estimates of the amount required in the year ending 30th June 2018 for salaries and expenses and Capital expenses of the Office Of ...
    • Nakuru County Approved Budget Estimates 2018/2019 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2018)
      Total expenditure summary 2018/2019 and projected estimates for 2019/20 and 2020/21. The estimates of the amount required in the year ending 30th June 2019 for salaries and expenses and Capital expenses of the Office of ...
    • Nakuru County Approved Budget Estimates 2023/2024 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2023)
      Total expenditure summary for FY2023/24 and projected estimates for FY2024/25 and FY2025/26. The estimates of the amount required in the year ending 30th June 2024 for salaries and expenses and Capital expenses of the ...
    • Nakuru County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2020 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2020)
      This County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) is the third to be prepared under the current administration and takes into account the reorganisation of County Government function thereon as envisaged in PFM Regulation ...
    • Nakuru County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2014 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2014)
      This is the first county budget outlook paper (CBROP 2013) since March 4th general election a first of its kind under the new constitution that heralded the new governance structures of devolved governments. The Constitution ...
    • Nakuru County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2015 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2015)
      This County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) prepared in accordance with Public Financial Management Act, 2012. It is the third to be prepared under the devolved system of Government. It presents recent economic ...
    • Nakuru County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2016 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2016)
      This County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) 2016 prepared in accordance with section 118 of the Public Financial Management Act, 2012. The PFM law envisages production of a CBROP by the end of September each year. ...
    • Nakuru County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2017 

      County Government of Nakuru (County Government of Nakuru, 2017)
      The Nakuru County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP 2017) is the fourth to be prepared under the devolved governance structure. CBROP 2017 was prepared pursuant to Section 118 of the Public Financial Management Act, ...