Recent Submissions

  • Narok County Programme Based Budget 2023/2024 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2023)
    The Core mandate of County Assembly is to legislate and ensure good governance through the oversight role of Assembly. For this to be achieved, budget provision is made to improve capacity for Members of County Assembly ...
  • Narok County integrated Development Plan 2023-2027 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2023)
    The Third Generation CIDP intends to build on the milestones achieved, the challenges and lessons learnt in the implementation of bespoke development priorities to address development issues in Narok County. The Third CIDP ...
  • Narok County Program Based Budget 2022/2023 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2022)
    The Budget Estimates present detailed revenue and expenditure estimations for the forthcoming year and forward-looking estimates for the MTEF. Both revenues and expenditures are organized and presented by department, ...
  • Narok County Annual Development Plan 2022/2023 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2022)
    The 2022/23 Narok County ADP lays the foundation and sets the tone for priority projects and programmes to address the development challenges that face the county after making a review of the status of the previous year’s ...
  • Narok County Budget Review and outlook Paper 2022 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2022)
    The County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (C-BROP) is a statutory policy document in the review and analysis of County budget performance. The document has been prepared in accordance with section 118 of Public Finance ...
  • Narok County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2022 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2022)
    The 2022 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) is prepared in an environment of global, regional, national, and county economic recovery expected in 2022 following a slump in 2020 and 2021 occasioned by the negative effects ...
  • Narok County Annual Development Plan 2021/2022 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2021)
    The 2021/22 Narok County ADP lays the foundation and sets the tone for priority projects and programmes to address the development challenges that face the county after making a review of the status of the previous year’s ...
  • Narok County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2021 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2021)
    The 2021 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) is prepared in an environment of economic suppression occasioned by the adverse effects of COVID 19 pandemic. The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has continued to cause serious ...
  • Narok County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2021 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2021)
    The County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (C-BROP) is a statutory policy document in the review and analysis of County budget performance. The document has been prepared in accordance with section 118 of Public Finance ...
  • Narok County Budget Review and Outlook Paper 2020 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2020)
    The 2020 C-BROP is structured to show the financial and economic trends not only at the county level but also at the national, regional and global scenes. The trends are applied to inform policy direction, actions and ...
  • Narok County Programme Based Budget 2020/2021 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2020)
    The County Assembly was allocated a budget of kshs, 1,001,154,327 the FY 2020/2021. These comprised of both recurrent and development items amounting to Kshs, 840,911,624 and Kshs, 160,242,703 respectively. This was ...
  • Narok County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2020 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2020)
    The 2020 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) is prepared based on the Second Generation CIDP covering the 2018-2022 phase of planning in the county. The Narok CIDP for 2013-2017 was the baseline for the development of ...
  • Narok County COVID-19 Social Economic Re-Engineering Recovery Strategy 2020/21-2022/23 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2020)
    Narok County is in Narok-Kajiado Economic Bloc (NAKAEB). The county has an estimated population of 1,157,873 people of whom 49.3 per cent were male and 50.6 per cent female (KNBS, 2019) as indicated in table 1. The population ...
  • Narok Municipality Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy Policy 2019 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2019)
    The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework to address solid waste problem in the municipality and aim at achieve ensuring zero waste generation. It will also ensure that the Municipality, in collaboration with ...
  • Narok County Programme Based Budget 2019/2020 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2019)
  • Narok County Annual Development Plan 2019/2020 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2019)
    The 2019/20 Narok County ADP lays the foundation and sets the tone for priority projects and programmes to address the development challenges that face the county after making a review of the status of the previous year’s ...
  • Narok County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2019 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2019)
    2019 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) is prepared based on the Second Generation CIDP covering the 2018-2022 phase of planning in the county. The Narok CIDP for 2013- 2017 was the baseline for the development of CIDP ...
  • Narok County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2018)
    The CIDP 2018-2022 is the second CIDP for Nark County, following the successful implementation of the first CIDP (2013-2017).This CIDP incorporates lessons learned during the implementation of the first CIDP. It is also ...
  • Narok County Annual Development Plan 2018/2019 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2017)
    The ADP provides the description of the County in terms of the location, size, physiographic and natural conditions, demographic profiles as well as the administrative units. It also gives the ecological conditions and ...
  • Narok County Annual Development Plan 2017/2018 

    County Government of Narok (County Government of Narok, 2016)
    The 2017/2018 Narok County Annual Development Plan (ADP) is the fourth annual plan to be prepared under the new dispensation. The Plan was prepared in line with the requirements of Section 126 of the Public Finance ...

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