Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Vihiga County Annual Development Plan 2023/2024
(County Government of Vihiga, 2022)
The framework and preparation of the C-ADP 2023/23 is hinged on the legal mechanism spelt out in the Kenya Constitution, the County Government Act 2012 and Public Finance Management Act 2012. Article 220 (2) of the Kenya ...
Vihiga County Annual Development Plan 2020/2021
(County Government of Vihiga, 2020)
This CADP is the blueprint upon which the implementation of Programmes and projects in the F/Y 2020/21 bythe county government departments and entities will be built upon. It is also an important management instrument that ...
Vihiga County Annual Development Plan 2017/2018
(County Government of Vihiga, 2018)
This is the fourth Annual Development Plan to be implemented by the county government of Vihiga since the establishment of the county government after the proclamation of the new Kenya Constitution in 2010. The ADP highlights ...