Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Sessional Paper No.14 of 2014 on Increase of Government of Kenya External Borrowing Ceiling
(The National Treasury and Planning, 2014)
This sessional paper focuses on the government’s decision to increase external borrowing ceiling. As at 30th September 2014 the GoK's total disbursed outstanding nominal external debt stock stood at Ksh 1,045 billion against ...
Sessional Paper No. 02 of 1988 on Kenya Government of a Loan to Kenya Airways Limited from Credit Lyonnals Banks Nederland's N.V.
(Government of Kenya, 1988)
In accordance with the provision of the guarantee (loans) Act (Cap 461) the following information is laid before the national Assembly for consideration and approval ...
Sessional Paper No. 03 of 1987 on Kenya Government of a Loan to Kenya Airways Limited
(Government of Kenya, 1987)
In accordance with the provision of the guarantee (Loans) ACT (CAP 641) the following information is laid before the national assembly fro consideration and approval...
Sessional Paper No. 05 of 1986 on Kenya Government Guarantee of Bank Loan Facilities Extended to
(Government of Kenya, 1986)
In accordance with the provisions of the guarantee (Loans) Act (Cap 461) the following information is laid before the National assembly Kenya government guarantee bank loan facilities extended to:
• National cereals produce ...
Sessional Paper No. 04 of 1986 on Kenya Government Guarantee of a Loan to the Kenya Post and Telecommunications Corporation ( KP&TC) by the Institution Centrale Per Il Credito A Medio Termine Mediocredito Centrale to Finance Part of Telecommunications Development Programme
(Government of Kenya, 1986)
In accordance with the provisions of the guarantee (Loans) Act (Cap 461) the following information is laid before the National assembly for consideration and approval...
Sessional Paper No. 09 of 1979 on Guarantee by Government of Kenya to the French Bank -Banque De Paris Et Des Pay-Bas for a Loan to Nzoia Sugar Company Limited.
(Government of Kenya, 1979)
In accordance with Section 5(1) of the Guarantee Loans Act, Cap.461 of the Laws of Kenya, the following information is laid Before the National Assembly in connection with a proposed guarantee by the Government of the ...
Sessional Papers No. 02 of 1980 on Government Guarantee of a Loan to the Kenya Power from the Commonwealth Corporation for Financing the Development of the Potential of the Geothermal Field at Olkaria Location South of Lake Naivasha
(Government of Kenya, 1980)
In accordance with the provision the provision of sections 5(1) of the guarantee (Loan) Act, (chapter 641) laws of Kenya, the information set out in the paragraphs following is laid before the national assembly for the ...
Sessional Paper No. 03 of 1980 on The Kenya Government Guarantee of a Loan to the Industrial Development Bank Limited from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(Government of Kenya, 1980)
In accordance with the provisions of the Guarantee {Loans)Act {Cap 461) the following information is laid before the National Assembly relating to a Guarantee by the Government of the obligations of the Industrial ...
Sessional Paper No. 10 of 1979 on Report of the Standing Orders Review Committee
(Government of Kenya, 1979)
This select Committee was appointed by Resolution of the National Assembly dated 21st march, 1979 to review the Standing Orders. The membership of this Committee is as follows…
Sessional Paper No. 12 of 1975 on Government Guarantee for a Loan by The Habib Bank AG of Switzerland to the East African Development Bank
(Government of Kenya, 1975)
In accordance with the provisions of the guarantee (Loans) Act Cap 461 the following information Is laid before the national assembly relating to a guarantee which the Kenya government propose to give jointly and severally ...