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dc.coverage.spatialMinistry of Transporten_US
dc.description.abstractIn accordance with the provisions of section 5 of the Loan (Guarantee) Act 1966, the following information is laid before the Notional Assembly in connection with a proposed guarantee by the Kenya Government of a bank overdraft facilities in the amount of K£250,000 to be extended to East African Airways Corporation ·by the National .Bank of Kenya. East African Airways Corporation is a · firmly established international airline owned by the Governments of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and which over the years has continued to expand its operations over international routes. Tt now provides regular services to most major cities of Western Europe, and the Far East. In the African continent, apart from providing intercity services in the domestic area of East Africa, it ·provides links with Zambia, Malawi, Somalia, Ethiopia, Congo (Kinshasa), Nigeria and Ghana. Thus, the airline is not only a vital factor in the promotion of intercity connexion within the African Continent but also plays an important role in the promotion of tourism to Kenya and the other Partner States. 1n addition to this it provides valuable air cargo services particularly for horticultural and dairy products of Kenya...en_US
dc.publisherThe Government Printer, Nairobien_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSessional Paper;No. 04 of 1970
dc.subjectSessional Paperen_US
dc.subjectBank Overdraften_US
dc.subjectEast Africa Airwaysen_US
dc.subjectNational Banken_US
dc.titleSessional Paper No. 04 of 1970 on Government Guarantee of Bank Overdraft Facilities to be Extended to East African Airways Corporation by The National Bank of Kenya Ltd.en_US
dc.typeSessional Paperen_US
ppr.contributor.authorMinistry of Power and Communicationen_US

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