Now showing items 1-20 of 342

    • Policy Brief No. 08 of 2001 on The KIPPRA-Treasury Macro Model: A New Instrument for Policy Analysis and Forecasting 

      The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2001)
      This brief provides a bird’s-eye view of the KIPPRA-Treasury Macro Model (KTMM) and its importance in policy analysis. KTMM is built mostly along the now fairly standard lines of the aggregate demand aggregate supply ...
    • Policy Brief No. 04 of 2001 on Beer Excise Tax in Kenya: An Assessment 

      The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2001)
      In Kenya, the excise tax on beer contributes a significant share to government revenue. The government is therefore interested in establishing the optimal excise tax rates for the different types of beer: lagers and ...
    • Policy Brief No. 2 of 2004 on Fiscal Strategies and Poverty in Kenya: Agenda for Reform 

      Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2004)
      Historically, Kenya’s development policy has combined the objectives of economic growth with equity and poverty reduction. Although there were improvements in social welfare indicators in the late 1980s, these achievements ...
    • Policy Brief No. 6 of 2004 on Role of Agricultural Policy Reforms in Poverty Reduction in Kenya 

      Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2004)
      This policy brief is based on a study on the Role of agricultural policy reforms in poverty reduction: Implication for economic recovery strategy for wealth and employment creation. The aim of the study is to contribute ...
    • Policy Brief No. 9 of 2004 on a Review of Policy Options for Poverty Reduction in Kenya. 

      Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2004)
      Poverty in Kenya is multidimensional and widespread among all socio-economic groups. It manifests itself in deprivation, isolation, alienation, insecurity and despondency. Low-income poverty manifests itself in the form ...
    • Policy Brief No. 7 of 2004 on Education and Child Labour in Kenya 

      Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2004)
      This policy brief is based on a study on Education and child labour in Kenya. The study investigates the child labour-schooling trade-off owing to the fact that those children who are not in school end up in child labour. ...
    • Policy Brief No. 8 of 2004 on Can Kenya Achieve Universal Primary Education 

      Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2004)
      Education is the main factor associated with the probability of being poor. Improving educational performance should therefore be a core element in poverty reduction. Since independence, the Government of Kenya has given ...
    • Policy Brief No. 1 of 2004 on Economic Growth Scenarios for Employment Creation in Kenya 

      Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2004)
      Employment creation in Kenya is a major concern to the government. The 1998/99 Labour Force Survey estimates Kenya’s active labour force at 10.5 million people, and unemployment at 14.6% of the active labour force. Given ...
    • Policy Brief No. 10 of 2004 on Interest Rate Management and Monetary Policy in Kenya 

      Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2004)
      The Economic Recovery Strategy (ERS) for the period 2003-2007 emphasizes on the role of the private sector as the engine for economic growth, while the Investment Programme (2003) points out the need to enhance private ...
    • Policy Brief No. 3 of 2004 on Tax Reform Experience and the Reform Agenda for Kenya 

      Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2004)
      Unlike many sub-Saharan African countries, Kenya is a high tax yield country with a tax to GDP ratio of over 20 percent. A review of Kenya’s tax reform experience reveals that generally, levels of tax rates have been reduced ...
    • Policy Brief No. 5 of 2004 on Corruption, Firm Growth and Export Propensity: Findings from Kenyan Manufacturers 

      Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2004)
      Surveys of manufacturing firms over the last decade have shown that business persons based in Kenya view corruption as a major hurdle to corporate pursuit. Other governance-related surveys have also concluded that Kenya ...
    • Policy Brief No. 4 of 2004 on Role of Trade Policy and Trade Reforms in Poverty Reduction in Kenya 

      Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2004)
      Kenya’s economic development strategy has often used trade policy as part of an assortment of policies towards achieving economic growth and poverty reduction. More recent trade liberalization efforts have aimed at improving ...
    • Policy Brief No. 01 of 2004 on Vision and Long Term Development Strategy for Kenya's Tourism Industry 

      The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2004)
      The capacity of the country to offer luxury tourism has been largely compromised crowding, over-development of facilities, competition for tourists, insecurity, poor infrastructure in general, and environmental ...
    • Discussion Brief Issue No. 02 of 2004 on Impact of Tourism on the Environment in Kenya 

      Ikiara, M Moses; The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2004)
      Tourism is a leading economic activity in Kenya, being the third largest foreign exchange earner after tea and horticulture. Since 1990, particularly since the second half of the 1990s, Kenya's tourism industry ...
    • Policy Brief No. 02 of Sept.2004 on Fiscal Strategies and Poverty in Kenya: Agenda for Reform 

      The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), 2004-09)
      This policy brief is based on a study: Fiscal strategies and poverty in Kenya: Agenda for reform. The study examines how the government spends and finances its expenditure, and how this has impacted on poverty and ...
    • Policy Brief No. 06 of 2006 on Flaws in the Development and Allocation of Jua Kali Sheds and Hawkers Markets in Kenya 

      The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2006)
      Despite the beneficial role that the Jua Kali sector' plays in providing employment, improving income distribution, and developing dynamic private enterprises, initiatives to support its growth by providing workspaces ...
    • Policy Brief No. 09 of 2006 on Using Social Budgeting to Improve the Budgetary Process in Kenya 

      The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2006)
      For a long time in Kenya, the budget has focused more on achieving macroeconomic targets . Despite being participatory in design, the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) approach implemented since the year 2000 is ...
    • Policy Brief No. 07 of 2006 on Strengthening Budget Reforms in Kenya: Issues and Challenges 

      The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2006)
      The Government has been undertaking budget reforms with a view to improving fiscal policy, planning and budget management functions. Following a 1997 assessment of public expenditure composition and management, the ...
    • Policy Brief No. 15 of 2006 on Attractig Foreign Direct Investment into Kenya 

      The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2006)
      Kenya has witnessed a decline in net flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the last two decades. A significant decline occured in the 1990s when the economy was going through various policy and institutional ...
    • Policy Brief No. 13 of 2006 on High Maize Prices in Kenya 

      Unknown author (The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2006)
      Maize is the primary staple food crop in Kenya. It is the most frequently produced and marketed crop,grown by 90 percent of households and sold by more than 30 percent of the households in areas where the crop is grown. ...