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dc.description.abstractIn a liberalized economy, provision of services in the agricultural sector, including financing of inputs, collection of produce, and processing and marketing of farmers' outputs, is a fundamental issue because it affects the efficiency of the entire agricultural sector. The current focus in liberalized policies is to replace a single vertically integrated system with a set of systems, each of which may be provided by a different enterprise. But liberalization of the delivery of services for the country's export crops may not necessarily lead to the establishment of competitive marketing and processing systems for small-scale producers since natural monopolies may emerge: Because of this, no alternative system may adequately replace the single channel in effectively providing services to farmers.en
dc.publisherThe Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysisen
dc.subjectCoffee Import and Exporten
dc.subjectSmallholder farmersen
dc.subjectCoffee industryen
dc.subjectCoffee Export
dc.subjectAgricultural Production
dc.titleDiscussion Paper No. 04 of 2000 on Delivery of Services to Smallholder Coffee Farmers and Impacts on Production Under Liberalization in Kenyaen
dc.typeKIPPRA Publicationsen
ppr.contributor.authorNyangito, Hezron O.

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