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dc.description.abstractThe Government proposes to guarantee a loan of Sterling Pounds One Million Two Hundred Thousand (£1,200,000) which is equivalent to Kenya Shillings Twenty Eight Million Two Hundred Thousand (Ksh.28,200,000) to be made available to the Agricultural Development Corporation by Commonwealth Development Corporation of the United Kingdom for on-lending to Kulalu Ranching Company Limited. This loan is required to finance further physical development of Kulalu Ranch principally the water supply, firebreaks and housinq, and the building up of the land to a maximum carrying capacity of the Ranch at full development. Kulalu Ranch is a subsidiary of the Agricultural Development Corporation, a Kenya Government Parastatal.en
dc.publisherMinistry of Financeen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSessional Paper;1986;
dc.subjectDevelopment financeen
dc.subjectLoan guaranteeen
dc.subjectEquity investmenten
dc.subjectAgricultural developmenten
dc.titleSessional Paper No. 06 of 1986 on Kenya Government Guarantee of Moneys Lent to the Agricultural Development Corporation by Commonwealth Development Corporation for On-Lending to Kulalu Ranching Company Limited to Finance Development of Kulalu Ranchen
dc.typeSessional Paperen
ppr.contributor.authorMinistry of Financeen

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