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dc.description.abstractTo facilitate increased productivity and agricultural output through extension, advisory support services and technology application 2. Promote market and product development by adopting a value chain approach 3. Strengthen human resource development including monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and coordination of staff functions within the department 4. Facilitate accessibility of affordable and quality inputs 5. Promote conservation of environment and natural resources through sustainable land use practices Irrigation Department 1. Providing policy, facilitation and an enabling environment for the Irrigation sub-sector. 2. Increase utilization of land through irrigation and drainage. 3. Mobilize and promote efficient utilization of resources. 4. Strengthen institutional capacity. Fisheries Department The goal of the fisheries sub-sector is to maximize the contribution of fisheries to the achievement of local development objectives especially poverty reduction, food security, creation of employment and rural incomes. The strategic objectives are; 1. Increase fish productivity and output through establishment of fish farms 2. To increase fish access to markets through establishment of cold storage facilities 3. To establish a strong technical unit in the department through employment of enough technical personnel 4. Conserve and protect water resources for sustainable development.en
dc.subjectEconomic Developmenten
dc.subjectBudget implementationen
dc.subjectTotal Expenditureen
dc.subjectUrban Developmenten
dc.titleGarissa County Programme Based Budget 2017/2018en
dcterms.publisherCounty Government of Garissa
ppr.contributor.authorCounty Government of Garissaen

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